Chapter 37

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Short chapter for right now. Comments and  votes are always welcomed. Enjoy loves.

What a friggen day, you thought leaving Turning Point. "LELAND!" you heard Angel scream. "wow Angel what's going on?" She was on the ground holding her stomach. My mom kneeling beside her. "Baby whats wrong?" "I don't know Leland. I was fine and then all the sudden........." her eyes got wide. "Leland my water broke!" "What? Are you sure?" I asked her looking down. "Either my water just broke or I peed my pants." "Come on we'll get you the hospital." LaFonda said bending to help Angel get up. "Steve can you go get the car please. Tony call the closest hospital and let them know we are on the way and Angel is 7 months pregnant." "no Leland I cant have her here! Its too early. Our whole family isn't here." she cried as I picked her up. "it'll be ok baby. Everything is going to be fine." "AAAAAAAAAAAA!" she screamed squeezing my arm. God did it hurt but I had to be strong. "son get her the hospital now. We'll take a cab to the hotel and grab her bags and call everyone and meet you there." "thank you Mom.  I don't know what Angel needs." I said putting her in the backseat. "I...... have...... a ....... hospital bag...." she said through breaths and then another scream. "LELAND GGO!" and with that we were off with Steve driving. "AAAAAAAAAAAAA" "its ok baby everything is fine. Jade baby hold on just a little longer." I whispered. I silently said a prayer over my girls. 'Lord please make sure my girls are healthy and get us there as quick as possible.'

How Tony got a cab as quickly as that I don't know. "here take my phone and call everyone. I packed special bags for the boys incase this  happened and I just have to find Angel's bag." Tony said running thru the doors. "thank you baby Jesus" you said taking Tony's phone. "grandma whats going on?" Cobie asked. "baby Jade is coming!" Dakota answered putting on his backpack and helping Cobie put his on. I found Mrs. Cobb's number and hit talk. "Tony is everything ok?" a women's voice came over. "Mrs. Cobb this is La Fonda, Leland's mother. Angel's water broke today." "oh God is she ok?" "Leland took her to the hospital I don't know what going on." "ok text us the hospital name and we will be there as quickly as we can. Thank you." Well there was the first call. I searched for Duane in his phone but couldn't find it. Screw it you thought and grabbed your phone and dialed  the number. "Hello?" You heard your ex husband say. "Hey Duane. It's Lala, Angel's water just broke." "OK we'll get the next flight. Text me the hospital name." "Ok." The half hour drive to the hospital seemed like it was years. The cab pulled up to the front door and Tony paid the fair. The two of us ran up to the birthing unit, "Yes my daughter in law and son should be here." I said before a nurse could say anything. Just then Leland came out, "good you guys are here. Angel's water broke. Now it's a just a matter of time. I have to call everyone." Leland stated. "Bro I already did, Can we go in?" "Oh yea lets go.'" The nurse gave everyone their visiting passes. "Hey aren't you guys the Chapmans from that show?" A young man asked the lot of you. He was probably about 15 years old. "We are but please no questions right now, " Leland said trying to be as polite as he could be and continued walking towards Angel's room.

"Leland your never touching me again." You said as you curled up as much as your body would let you. This pain was intense. "It'll be ok shorty." Tony said coming up to the side of the bed kissing your cheek. "It's only a matter of time Angel." La Fonda said walking up beside you. " Everyone should be arriving shortly baby." Leland said. The boys sat on the bed that was in the birthing suite. The nurses came in and took your vitals, "now Mrs. Chapman, we contacted your doctor in Hawaii and we're having your records sent over, you are 2 months early and given your medical history when you became pregnant we are a little concerned. But from the looks of everything, the baby is healthy. Looks like she just wants to meet you guys sooner. Have you been under any stress lately?" You couldn't help to laugh a bit, "well you see I run a bails bond service in Hawaii with my husband and in laws. I have two boys at home and my husbands ex tried to kill me when she was high, and we just left from seeing her. My ex Also tried to kill me. Oh we also have a tv show being filmed at the moment. So no I'm under no stress what so ever." You barked at the doctor. Leland chuckled a little bit and the doctor smiled at you. "I'm sorry Mrs. Chapman," she said looking you "I'm sorry doctor. I'm a little nervous." "No worries Mrs. Chapman, I completely understand." Doctor Whoo said looking at the monitor. She made a face and began writing things on the clipboard. You looked at Leland who took your hands and rubbed them between yours. "Is everything ok Doctor Whoo?" "Well that's interesting, Mrs. Chapman your chart states that you would multiple seizers," "yes she had a total of either 4 or 5." Leland answered, " did the doctors ever figure out why?" "no ma'am." Tony's phone started to buzz and he left the room. The boys still playing away on their ds.    La Fonda stood next to you. "Is there something wrong doctor?" "'Mrs. Chapman you have an irregular heart beat. Nothing to be worried about right now we'll just keep an eye on it. It's interesting that it wasn't noted here." " Is Jade ok?" "Yes she is good. But right now I need everyone to leave the room to check you out."

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