Chapter 36

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A few hours later.
"Ok it's time to get ready guys." After breakfast everyone just relaxed around the suite. Leland and Tony had gone to the gym and worked out a bit. You knew Leland had gone to relieve some stress. "Mama how long are we gunna be there for?" Dakota asked you as he sat on your bed. "I'm not sure baby." you answered truthfully. "Ok mama." he said and walked over to your stomach and rubbed it kissing it before he left. You just smiled. How did you get here? How did you go from a girl who wanted to hide from the world to the a women who's married and expecting her first child and two boys already? "Angel are you ready?" Leland asked from the doorway. "Yes my love let's go." You said as you took his hand as the 6 of you left the suite and headed out to the paps who were waiting. After the 45 minute drive you arrived at Turning Point. Ok here goes nothing you thought. Leland walking in hand and hand with everyone else following. "Welcome to Turning Point, how can I help you today?" the women behind the desk asked with a smile. "Yes, we are here to see a patient, Maui." you said rubbing your stomach. Lord was Jade kicking up a storm. "ahh yes she expecting some guests today. Can I please have your names?" "Yes Leland Chapman and family." You said. Leland stood behind you. "Yes well here are you passes. Head down the hall all the way and the family room is thru the double doors, she should be there. Have a good day." As you all put the passes on Leland said, "Ok lets get this over with." He was now focus. As the lot of you approached the door, you took a deep breathe. As the doors opened you saw the room filled with people. Some deep in conversions with family and friends. Others laughing and playing games with kids. There sat Maui in the corner looking out the window. You looked over at Leland and you could see a small amount of sadness in his eyes. He bent down to the boys. "Now boys listen, we are going to talk to your other mom now, but if at any point you feel upset or anything you let me or mommy know and we will leave, ok?" Both boys nodded. "Ok lets go." he said with a peck on your cheek and took your hand. "Hi Maui." he said as he approached her. She turned slowly and a small smile masked the sadness in her face as she looked at the boys. "I'm so happy to have you all here." "Boys give your mom a hug and say hi" You looked down and they did. You saw the tears roll down, "I'm so sorry" she said looking at them and hugging them back. "Please lets sit." "Boys there are some crayons and stuff right here." she said. As you all sat down, Steve remanded standing with his backs towards you guys watching to make sure no  one bothered you guys. "So lets get down to business." "Leland!" both you and Lala said. "No its fine." Maui said. "I know you prob have questions on what happened and why I asked you all here." "Well yes." he said. "Leland I want to apologize for everything I put you and the boys through. And you too Angel. Leland it wasn't until I got here that I realized how much pain I put not only you but the whole family through. I had my demons and I didn't know what to do. It started with the drinking, I kept loosing jobs. The more jobs I lost the more I drank. When the drinking stopped giving me the rush I was craving, I turned to the weed and from there it grew to the pills and then ice. The night that Angel called me, I lost it. I thought that she was trying to replace me. I know now that wasn't the case but I was so far gone into the drinking, pills and ice that that's what I thought. I tried justifying my feelings by telling myself that I would hurt you because I thought you had left me for Angel. I'm sorry I didn't think of my boys. I didn't think of what I was doing to them. I never realized what I was doing to them. The day I showed up at the house and saw you down on one knee and Dakota calling Angel mommy, my world came crashing down, I thought hell my life is over her's should be too. I'm so sorry Angel," she said while looking at you. "Leland I'm sorry. I know that you would never intentionally try to replace me. My actions were wrong. The pain I caused everyone was wrong. I was selfish. The drugs and alcohol clouded my judgement and demons made me believe that I was being replaced. I started getting pictures and letters of everything going on back home. I loved seeing the boys happy and smiling. I sat down in therapy one day and we were all talking about our families and it was like a light bulb went off. I was like 'oh god' what the hell have I done. I screwed up everything. I lost my family." "wow." Leland said rubbing his forehead. "Maui," you started saying, "it was never my intention to replace you" "Angel I know that and I really appreciate all you have done for the boys, I can never thank you enough for being there for the boys like you have been. I also want to congratulate you both on both your marriage and the baby." she said looking down at your stomach. "Thank you." Leland said.   "Maui how come you didn't call someone?" Lala asked. "you could have called me or Leland or even Duane." "I know that now but at the time I thought I had everything under control and I didn't think I had a problem." "Mom why did you hurt mommy?" Dakota asked standing next to you looking at Maui. " Dakota I don't know. I was not in a good place. I'm so sorry. Cobie I'm sorry too. I never meant  to hurt you boys. I love you both so so much. I was doing really bad things."  The boys thought about it for a second and returned to coloring. Leland sat forward, "You know I hated you, you wanted to take my sons away from me. And then when I was finally happy, you tried taking that away from me. You almost killed my wife and my daughter. I resented you. Because you could't have me, you didn't want anyone else to have me. But here's the funny thing. I want to thank you because without every shitty thing you did to me I wouldn't appreciate all the good things that have been done." "Leland I wanted to apologize." Leland leaned  forward and grabbed her hand and with a light squeeze, "Maui I forgive you." "Thank you." she said once again wiping away tears. For the next hour or so everyone sat there talking about Maui's treatment and her plans for after her treatment. The boys started telling her about school and friends. You glanced down at your watch, it was just time to get going you thought. Leland looked at you and with a quick nod he understood. "Listen Maui it's getting late and we have an early flight in the morning." Leland started. She was sitting on the floor coloring with the boys, " oh ok." "Listen Maui I know your getting help here and everything, maybe we'll work something out and have the boys call you once a week or something. Stay clean and sober and maybe we'll talk about visitation or something when you get home." Leland said standing up holding out his hand for you. "That would be great, long as Angel is ok with it?" She said. "We'll talk about it Maui." you said. "keep getting better." Lala said standing giving Maui a hug. "boys say goodbye to your mom." you said standing next to them. After goodbyes were said the 6 of you left.  Once outside you released the breath you didn't know you were holding and then pain.

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