Chapter 31

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You needed this. You needed to see the last part of your past being taken away. It killed you to call him. You remember the last time 'you owed him'. His hands all over you. Chris would 'trade' you when he didn't have money for stuff. Thank God it was always to Tucker. You just hoped no one else heard him. "Angel why do you need to do this?" Dog asked me. "It's the last part of my past. It's my closure Dad." "I understand." he said with a hug and walked out the door. You walked over to your sons. "I love you boys." "Angel why did you take the call from Maui?" Beth came over and asked you, " I don't know Mom, I won't forget that she tried to kill me but I will forgive. I think it's time for Maui to apologize to Leland. Leland  didn't see Dakota's first step or hear Cobie's first word. I've heard my husband's disappointment when talking about this. And while I fully understand it might have been because of work she didnt even try mom. She didn't try. That will never happen with this baby or any other we have." "My have you grown." Beth said as she hugged you. Leland came back to the room. "I'm not happy about this but I understand. But you are going to take this." he said as he handed over a can of mace. "Tim is going with you." Tim and Duane Lee came back as your mom came to the room. "mom we'll be right back. Dakota already ate. but he can have a snack if he wakes up. no sweets tho please." "Ok hun. Please be careful." she said as she started to reach into her purse. You leaned over and grabbed it. "This is from Tony isnt it?" "yes" she said. "I'm not using it but I'm getting rid of it." Slipping the gun into your purse.. "Thank you." she said and hugged you. "Lets do our prayer here." It must of been some sight to see us all walking out of the hospital together suited up. You and Tim hoped into your car. "Angel we're following you.' "10-4" you said over the walkie. "Tim I need a favor from me. Please. And dont tell the family." you said waving in and out traffic. "Angel slow the fuck down." Leland's voice came over. You hadn't realized you were pushing 70mph. "Ok Angel." Tim said looking at you. "Reach into my bag and get rid of that. It's Tony's and I don't know where he got it but I want it gone." "Angel this is a pistol." " I know I want it gone." "Ok. Hey can I ask you a question?" "Sure" "What did Tucker mean when he said you owed him?" "Shit you heard him?" "We all did babygirl" "When I was with Chris and he needed stuff from Tucker weather parts or drugs and he didnt have money, Chris would make me sleep with Tucker." "Are you fucking kidding me?" Tim said. "Please I don't like to remember it. It only happened like three times. Hey its right down the road." "2 minute warning guys." Tim said in the walkie. "guys fall back." you said as you slowly pulled into the garage, " Tim slid down." You pulled in the front on the gas station. "hey A how you doing? Get that ass over here." Tucker said walking over to your car. "Hold on my keys are stuck." you said as you tapped Tim. But before you knew it Tucker was at your door with a gun shown to you. "Angel do you think I'm stupid? Like I didn't know you were married to that pup? aww looks like your expecting too. It's going to a shame for him to bury his wife and babe." your hand was on the pepper spray. Tim had somehow made it out the car before Tucker came over. "Tucker I would move the fuck away from my niece" Tim said moving close to you two. "Do you really think thats going to stop me? A little pepper spray." he said with a laugh. "Get the hell away from my wife!" You heard Leland scream. The whole family was there. You looked down at the gun in his hand, it was fake. "Hey Tucker." you said. "What the fuck do you want?" he said as he turned to you. You sprayed him. "Fuck that burns. You whore! What the Fuck!" you got out of the car coughing. Tim, Leland and Dog ran to search him and arrest him. "Sista whats wrong with you? He had a gun!" Beth said beside you handing you some water. The police and ambulance were there, "I can't breathe. It was fake." The paramedics were trying to get some oxygen in you. "Angel Marie Chapman what is wrong with you?" "Sir you need to back away she inhaled the pepper spray."  "I'm her husband!" After about 20 minutes or so the boys had taken Tucker to jail and you and Leland were on your way back to the hospital. "Angel why did you put yourself in harms way like that? What if something had happened to you or the baby? What if the gun wasn't fake?" you were quite for a couple mins. "Leland there's always going to be what ifs in our life. I'm sorry I put myself in harms way, but I needed that." Was all you said on the rest of the ride. You both got back to the hospital and thanked your mom and she left. "Leland its late, take Kota home. I don't want him back in that school till I talk to Mr. Cook please. But in the morning go and get some work for him to do." You said with out looking at him and headed into the bathroom. He was still mad and now you felt stupid for going on the hunt. You sat on the toilet and started to cry as there was a knock on the door. You knew since getting with Leland you were safe. You knew that. There was so much anxiety gone from you now. You felt like you could really be happy. "Babe why are you crying?" he asked kneeling down in front of you. " I don't know Leland. I finally feel fully free. Like there's no one looking for me. I don't have to look over my shoulder anymore." you said breaking down more. "Angel why didn't you tell me?" " I didn't realize it till now." "Mama why are you crying?" Dakota asked "Nothing son. Don't worry about it, hey go get your shoes on Daddy is going to take you home." " No" "Excuse you?" you asked him. " I want to stay with you mama." "Angel it's late. We'll just stay here." Leland slept on the chair with Dakota on him and you slept in the bed with Cobie. You woke up the next morning to Tony stepping into the room. "Goodmorning sis." he said with a huge smile on his face. "Well someone got lucky last night." Leland said laughing as he greeted Tony. "Thats gross." you mumbled. "Uncle Tony!" Dakota yelled and jumped on his back. "morning momma." Cobie said rubbing his eyes. "Good morning bud. How you feeling?" "Hungry and thirsty." he said looking around. "Ok bud I'm going to get the nurse while mama gets dressed," Leland said kissing Cobie's forehead. "He's still a bit warm" he said to you as he headed you the bag. As you finished getting dressed you could hear your brother playing with the kids and talking to Leland. "God I feel huge," you said as you walked out of the bathroom. "Well your not, your almost 7 months pregnant." Leland said earning him a look from you. "Mr. man over there, your not going back to school until I talk with your principal but someone is going to get you school work so you don't fall behind." you said to Dakota. You took your planner out to write yourself a note to call the school as Leland walked beside you to change. "how come you packed clothes for yourself and the boys?" you asked him. "did you really think he wouldnt stay with and Cobie last night?" Tony asked from the chair going over Dakota's homework laughing. "Oh and I stopped at the school to get some work for the boys to do." "Uncle Tony are you staying here?" Dakota asked. "Of course mommy and daddy have to do a couple things this morning." "Where's mom? She said she was going to come yesterday." Tony looked around as if for an answer. "Tony you tell whats going on right now." "Angel baby dont worry about it." Leland said. "No no no you both  know something and I want to know whats going on." "We'll talk later Angel but right now we have to go to the appointment." An hour later you both were making your way back to the room when your phone started to ring, "Thats interesting, I dont know this number. I'll let the voice mail get it." you said although you knew it was Maui. "Hey guys!" you said as you walked into the room to see both boys laying in bed eating eggs and juice. "the nurse said Cobie could eat and have juice. He still has a fever but it's going down and as long as it keeps going down he can be discharged tonight." "That's great thanks Tony." " How did the appointment go? Hows my little niece doing?" "Well shes defiantly a Chapman. She's weighing like 7 pounds." You said as you sat down. The rest of the day flew by and Cobie was being discharged. You were packing everything up when Leland came up behind and rubbed your neck. "I love you Angel."

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