The road trip

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Sasha pov.
We had seven more hours until we got to NYC. Roman was currently driving. I was sleeping in the backseat with my head on Enzo's lap. I had my feet on Seth, Dean was stroking my hair and Xavier was playing with the Boss rings on my hand. It felt good to have these boys as friends. Well,  Enzo is more than a friend,but if we weren't dating, he would be one of my best friends. Anyway, Don't mind by Kent Jones was playing and the rest of them were jamming out. I wasn't really sleeping. I was pretending, because I felt good in this position. I was asleep at the first part though. Back on topic.
Roman suddenly put the music down and said.
"Is Sasha awake?"
Enzo replied. "No, she's sleeping, why?"
"Have you guys told her about your little crushes on her." I could feel Enzo look over me at Seth, behind me at Dean and across from me at Xavier. I started to get confused until Becky spoke up.
"More like love. I've seen the way you guys look at her. It's more than just a like."
"Wow. Sasha got four dudes fighting over her. The boss is on FIRE!" Big E spoke up.
I could feel the others looking at him. He tried to speak again.
"What I mean is uhhhhh...... What are you guys gonna do?"
"Well since she won't be having that Summerslam match against Charlotte anymore, they will probably put another epic match their until they find a no. 1 contender for the Women's Championship." Seth explained.
"So?" Dean questioned.
"Sooooo that gives you idiots more time to tell her. If you don't do it at least a week after Summerslam, I'm gonna tell her myself." Enzo challenged.
"Uggghhhhhh, I'd rather her hear it from myself." Xavier says while rubbing his face.
Seth and Dean agreed.
I decided to mess with them by shifting around a little bit. Roman immediately turned back up the music, which was playing 'Trust Nobody' by Cashmere Cat, Selena Gomez, and Tory Lanez, Bayley turned back to her phone, Becky looked back out the window, Carmella, who was sleeping also was resting in Cass's lap, Cass went back to taking pics of the outside, Big E went on Twitter and the rest continued with what they were doing to me. I shifted again and I could feel everyone's eyes, who were awake, on me. I finally fluttered my eyes open.
Bayley was the first to speak.
"Hey Sash. How was your sleep? I mean you were knocked out for almost two hours." Everyone chuckled a little.
"It was good Bay." I say.
"Hey guys. The fans want us to do more of the live thing. There are already loads of questions I've collected." Big E says going back to his phone.
"Let's do this." I say, sitting myself fully up.

After the camera was fully set up, everyone gathered around it. Becky was currently driving. Carmella was now fully awake.
I started off like the last time.
"Hey guys. It's Sasha Banks and even though we already did introductions, I'm gonna do it again, but shortly. First, we have the Boss." I say showing my rings and doing a little bit of my entrance.
"Next, we have the hugger, the Irish lasskicker, the stud, the seven foot tall, the Fabulous, the unicorns, the Curb Stomper, the Lunatic, and lastly the Samoan Superman." I say taking a deep breath every so often.
"Let's get on with this thing." I say skipping to the point.
I motion for Big E to read the question.
"This one is from frediaasia , Enzo, put on a wig and bra and act like Sasha."
All of us burst out laughing at this except for Enzo.
"This is totally ridiculous. Where am I even going to get that stuff from." Enzo said.
All of a sudden, Dean yelled, "STOP THE VAN!"
Becky drove to the side of the road. We all looked at Dean like he was crazy. Well, he is but....... never mind.
"Oh, fix your faces. Daddy always has his unique bag of weird stuff INCLUDING a pink wig." Dean says hopping out of the van.
"Just my luck." Enzo says huffing a breath.
"AHAH I knew I had one in here." Dean says coming back in with a pink wig and bra.
"Do I REALLY HAVE to do this?" Enzo says looking at the supplies weirdly.
"Awwww look at Enzo going all SAWFT." I say mocking him.
He gave me a glare.
"And YES, you have to do this. It's a dare from frediaasia and just think about how she'll feel if you don't." I say guilting him with the fan card.
"UGGGGGHHHHH FINE!" He says. I knew it would work.
He finally fixed it with our help and by the time he was done, we all had out our phones, we're taking pictures and laughing. He cleared his throat and started speaking.
"My name is Sasha Banks and I'm the boss of the WWE. Shut up Charlotte. Pew pew pew." He said with a high pitched voice. He pretended to be on a video game for the last part. I was laughing my butt off and so were the rest of them.
He finally finished and we moved on to the next question.
"This one is for Bayley from @theirishbosshugger. Do you ever see yourself with the Women's Championship?" Big E reads.
We all turned to Bayley.
"Well, it would be nice, but in the future. I just got boosted up to the main roster and I still have some work to do." Bayley says.
"And if you ever feel like your ready, just know that I'm always willing to give you a chance at the Championship." I say with my hand on her shoulder. After I finish, I take it off.
"Thanks Sash. Your always such a good friend." Bayley says giving me one of her famous hugs.
"Thanks Bay. Just don't Bayley to Belly me in this car."
We both laughed and separated from the hug.
Big E continued.
"This next question is for Seth and Roman from @thecurbstompingSamoan. Seth and Roman, do you ever see yourself in another triple threat match with Kevin Owens for the title?"
"Yes." They say in unison. We laugh at them.
Big E speaks up.
"Ok. This is a question for Sasha from @Sashafierce. Sasha, if you weren't dating Enzo, which WWE superstar do you think you would be dating?" I think long and hard about this question. I finally decide on my answer.
"Well, I don't know actually. I think I'd be with one of these guys," I say motioning towards Seth, Dean, and Xavier. "Just because their my best friends and I connect with them more than the rest of the dudes at WWE."
I turn towards them. "You guys are the best." They smile at me for a response and I smile and turn back around to Enzo.
"I love you too Enz." I say while kissing him. Everyone 'awww's'.
All of a sudden, the car jolts to a stop. I feel Enzo, Seth, Dean and Xavier hold me back, so I don't fly out my seat.
"Thanks guys." They mutter your welcome before continuing with what they were doing, which includes staring at me.
I look at Becky for an explanation.
All she says is, "WE'RE HERE."
I look outside the window to see a HUGE hotel called the 'Golden Trip'.
Don't know if this is a real hotel. If it is, then I don't own it. I don't own any place or person mentioned in this book.
We get our bags out the trunk. The boys are fighting over my bags. I interrupt them.
"OK! I have four bags. It shouldn't be that hard."
I hand Enzo the pink one, Seth the yellow one, Dean the blue one, and Xavier the neon green one and I take my hand bag.
GOSH, these men can be a handful.
We walk inside and I go to the main desk. The person was a brunette lady with blue eyes and a kind smile. She looked at least ten years older than us.
"Hi, welcome to the Golden Trip. How may I assist you today?"
She greeted me.
I put up a finger and said one second with a kind smile. She nodded and picked up the hotel phone.
"Guys are we getting separate rooms, boys and girls rooms or two guys two girls per room?" I ask them.
They agree with two guys two girls and I turn towards the lady.
She looked at me smiling.
"Do you have six rooms with two beds available?"
"Yes ma'am. Here are your keys and hotel room numbers." She said handing them to me and turning back to her work.
I turn back to them and am glad that they're on the same floor and they're next to each other.
We decided for the rooms to be like this.
Since Cass wanted to be with Carmella and Carmella didn't know us girls well, it went like this.
Enzo and I ;), Cass and Carmella ;), Bayley and Becky, Kofi and Big E, Xavier and Roman, Dean and Seth.
We went up to our rooms and got ready to go to the gym.
I wore a neon pink and black Nike sports bra, matching black tights and matching Nike's.
We headed to the gym and got working.
All the while, I was thinking about what the boys had said in the bus.
Seth, Dean, and Xavier love me?
I mean I did like them, before I started dating Enzo, but do I still like them? Much less love them?
This is hard.
What am I gonna do?
Bruh, 1634 words. Only for guys.
Anyway, I wanna thank my two most loyal followers.
@Jamiya_1 and frediaasia for all the votes, comments and support that I've had from you guys.
I love all my fans anyway so MUAH😘 to everyone who have liked/voted and read this book. Thank you for all your love and support.
queenshipper12 is ouuuuuttt. BYEEEEEEEE!

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