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Sasha pov.

You ever have that moment when you're sitting in your room bored to death?

Yeah? Well I'm having that moment right now.

The gang and I have absolutely nothing to do. I guess you can say we're just waiting for something to happen.

Ring ring

We all look around the room to see which phone has rung.

"It's mine!" Roman yells out.

He answers the phone and we all pile around him to see if anything interesting is happening.

I motion for him to put it on speaker and he obliges.

"Sorry. What were you saying Stephanie?" Roman asks.

"I said your one on one match with Samoa Joe will now include Braun Strowman."

We all shudder under his name and continue listening.

"That's it?" Roman asks again hoping for something better.

"There's nothing else important except for the fact that our next city is your hometown, PENSACOLA, FLORIDA!"

Roman breaks out into a big grin.

"That's exciting." I whisper to him.

He nods his head and is about to hang up when Stephanie gives us some orders.

"Pack your bags. The bus is coming in an hour." Stephanie says before she hangs up.

"Florida rocks! Florida rocks!" Xavier breaks out in his New Day chant and we all join in.

"People we still have to pack bags. Come on. Let's go." Becky says breaking up our little Fest.

Everyone rushes out of my room to go to their own to pack their bags.


Everyone's all gathered up by the bus Stephanie rented for us.

"Who's excited for Florida?" Heath shouts out to us.

The New Day breaks out in the same chant Xavier started in my room.

"Alright, alright calm down. Time to get on the bus." Shane says calming everybody down.

I put my bags in the trunk and hopped on along with the gang.

We sit in a seperate section away from everyone. Pulling out our phones, iPads and laptops, we busy ourselves to stop us from getting bored. I go on my Twitter to post about our next destination.

@SashaBanks- I'm ready for you Pensacola, Florida and I'm bringing my A-Game. Get ready to be Bosses up on Monday Night Raw!

I take a picture with me showing my Boss ring and posing to go along with the post.

When I'm done, I exit out and scroll through Instagram. One thing lead to another and I ended up falling asleep on the couch.


As I awaken, I feel a large but soft hand stroking my hair. I let out a yawn and sit up fully rubbing my eyes.

"So cute." I hear someone whisper but I can't put a name on it.


I look beside me to see what I was laying on and see Roman smiling at me. I smile back and look around at everyone. Their all conversing with each other while minding their own business. I check my phone for the time and stop after I see the darkness out the window.

How long have I been asleep?

I feel the bus jolt and fall against Roman. I look up at him while my hands are on his chest and look down awkwardly.

I slowly push myself off of him and laugh awkwardly.

"Sorry about that." I apologize.

"No problem." He says with a smirk.

"Alright Superstars. We have arrived in Pensacola, Florida. We will be staying at the Palm Beach Resort. It's up to you to book your rooms as I know some people would want to be staying with each other." Shane winks at the couples in the bus. "So head out, grab your stuff off the buds and make sure not to leave anything."

Everyone nods and gets up to head out. I grab all of my belongings and walk off with the rest of the guys following behind me.

I take a pamphlet from one of the workers and see that I'm gonna get lost.

It's huge!

I go to grab my bag from the trunk of the bus when Roman steps in front of me with it.

"Thanks." I say taking it away from him.

He just nods and walks over to this car that looks to be a rental. I walk over to him confused.

"You got a rental already?" I ask checking out the exterior and interior.

I gotta admit he had some good taste.

"No it's not a rental. I live down here so I just got my sister to bring it to the hotel for me. I'm gonna stay at my house to spend some time with my kids." He explains.

I nod my head in understanding and continue to check out the car.

"I'm gonna need me a car like this. Damn!" I exclaim.

He chuckles and looks off into the distance somewhere.

"You guys can stay with me if you want. I have more than enough space for all of you." He says to me and the gang who had just shown up once they realized me and Rome weren't with the rest of them.

"That would be so cool dude. It'd be just like old times." Dean says while doing a guy hug with Roman while Seth repeats it.

"I'm in. I'm starting to get tired of hotels anyway." Bayley says.

"I agree." Becky and I say at the same time.

We giggle at our little girl moment.

"I mean it WOULD be a great time to check on my babies." I say reasoning it out in my head.
"So it's settled. Everyone grab your bags, tell Shane that your staying at Roman's house and meet back here when you're done."

Everyone nods their heads and scatter around the parking lot.

I do the same and in no time I'm back to Roman's car with the rest of the gang.

We somehow manage to fit in and drive to Roman's place.

Once we arrived, we took our bags out of the trunk and stepped inside.

I could here two adorable voices calling out to us.

The adventures are just getting started.

Sorry for the mistakes.

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