A Night On The Town

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Sasha pov.

I got in the ring with the dominant woman and I looked into the hazel eyes of a destroyer. I don't regret getting in this ring because sometimes you gotta face your biggest enemies. You might not win but show them you are fearless.

(All of a sudden she's Nikki Bella😂)

The bell rings and I stand in the corner. She charges at me but I move out the way causing her to collide with the corner.

(Another thing. This may not be exactly how their match went because I'm changing it up. I had said that I was changing up real life so yeah.)

I set my target and charge at her for the running knees. I hit perfectly and rolled out of the way.

She was near the ropes so I try to set her up for the double knees.

It was a challenge but I managed.

I hit the double knees to the gut and she rolls in the middle of the mat.

Its time.

As she is on her back,  I sit next to her and lock in the Bank Statement. She was too weak to get up so she tapped.

It didn't hit me until just now that I had defeated Nia Jax.

I grab my title from the ref and lift it in the air.

This is why I'm the Boss.

I walk backstage only to get showered with hugs.
Especially from Bayley.

"I'm so proud of you." Becky says in her thick accent.

"Awesome job out there Sash." Bayley congratulated me.

"You did amazing." All the guys say.

"As a matter of fact. How about we go out in the streets of Paris and explore?" Bayley says.

"A Night On the Town? I like the sound of that." Roman agrees.

"Ok so its settled. Everyone to the van I just ordered outside and we will go to the hotel. Go get all dolled up and meet us in the lobby in thirty minutes." Dean plans.

"LETS GO!" We all shout in unison and hurry outside.

One hour later

We were all in the lobby ready to go and I decided on wearing a chic outfit.

We were all in the lobby ready to go and I decided on wearing a chic outfit

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"Everyone's ready to go so lets HİT THE ROAD!" Dean says excited.

İ laugh and head out in the night with the girls and guys.

First we go sight seeing and of course we had to stop at The Eiffel Tower.

We arrived at the top and the scenery was beautiful.

İ was standing at the edge just admiring the view when a figure stood next to me. İ figured it was a stranger coming to take pictures so İ slid to the left a little to give them space.

"Oh so you don't like me anymore Mercedes." İ knew one person who called me that and it only had to be him.

İ turned with a grin on my face and hugged him tight.

"ERİC!" İ shouted. İ may have seen him on the van and in the lobby but it's always nice to see my buddies.

"What are you doing over here? İ thought you'd be taking pictures with the gang." İ said in confusion.

"Just came to check on my favorite Boss but İ can leave if you want." He said.

İ put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

" It's fine Eric. İ missed hanging out with you."

We were just staring at the stars for a while when he asked me this unexpected question.

"We're friends right?"

I looked at him shocked.

"Of course. Why would you ask that?"

"It just seems that since we've broken up we've gotten distant."

"Awww Eric. We will always be best friends. No matter what comes in our way."

We share a loving hug before going back to the others.

We went to a little cafe that sold pastries and coffee.

We went inside,  ate and talked a bit.

"So, how's life been treating you guys?" Dean tries to start off.

"Injuries." Seth says holding up his knee briefly.

"Same here bud." Enzo says thinking back to the whiplash.

"Championships." Bayley says smiling at her victory over Charlotte.

"Lost handicaps." Becky says referring to her situation with Alexa and Micky.

"Nia problems." I said thinking back to my match tonight.

"Miz and Maryse problems." Dean says with an annoyed look on his face.

"Tag team problems." Cass says frowning.

"Marriage problems." Roman says scratching his head.

"Marriage problems?" I say interrupting the circle. "What do you mean marriage problems?"

Roman sighs and puts his head down.

"Nikki and I have been having issues lately. "We're losing the spark in our marriage. Its not like its one sided either. We've decided that we're gonna get divorce."

"WHAT?!" The whole table shouts which causes us to get kicked out of the cafe.

"Lets go back to the hotel and talk about this." I start to call the van driver because we were about two miles away from home.

Joe has a lot of explaining to do.

So I FINALLY updated. Writers block is so harsh on me. But now.

Will Joe and Nicole's marriage be saved?

Will Joe like someone else?

What about the kids?

All of those questions will be answered in the next chapter.

BTW sorry this chapter was kinda sucky.


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