Gym Day

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Sasha pov.
I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing and check the time.
10:54 a.m.
Holy crap!
I start having a panic attack at how late I am for the gym but then I look at Enzo's adorable face and soften up. How could one person keep you so calm?

It wasn't until I looked at the clock again when I realized I had to wake him up at some point.

I start shaking him lightly.


Shake him hard.


Rub his back.


So I resorted to the one thing I knew would wake him up.

I kissed him on the lips.

Immediately after he kissed back and soon flipped me over.

"Morning sleepyhead." I said with a smile.
"I wasn't really sleepy ya know?" He says with a smirk.
"Really?" I play along.
"I had no idea." I can't take this any longer. I burst into laughter.
"Come on Enz. We need to get ready." I say escaping from him and walking in the bathroom.
"But why?" I hear him groan from outside the door.
"Because if you get up now, you can come join me in the shower."
I heard fumbling and falling before finally the bathroom door opened to reveal the naked Enzo Amore.
I shake my head and am about to take off my top but he stops me.
"That's my job."
I laugh at him and let him do his work.

One Hour Later.

" Ok let's get out and get dressed because frankly, I cannot feel my legs anymore." I complain.
"Ok." He laughs again.
I grab my gym clothes I had set out the night before and head back in the bathroom.
I walk in and see Enzo fully dressed.

How the heck did he do that?I don't even wanna know

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How the heck did he do that?
I don't even wanna know.
I looked at him, pointed to the door and said one word.
" Out."
He put his hands up in surrender and said " Fine."
Once he was fully out, I locked the door, applied makeup and got dressed.

"Once he was fully out, I locked the door, applied makeup and got dressed

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I walked out, grabbed Enzo, the keys, my phone, iPod, Enzo and left.
We reached down to the gym and saw that it was divided into two sections now.
Section one for boys and section two for girls.
I turned to Enzo, kissed him, said bye and walked over to the girls section.
I saw Becky and Bayley over by the weights and went over to them.

I covered both their eyes.
"Who is it?" I said in a deep voice.
"Ugh, Stephanie McMahon?" Bayley took a shot.
"Alicia Fox?" Becky continued.
"Just kidding. It's obviously The Boss, Sasha Banks." They said at the same time.
I turned them around and hugged them.
"I haven't seen you guys in so long." I said.
"Dude, you saw us last night."
"Oh yeah." I said reminiscing the night before.
"When Charlotte got fired." Bayley singsonged.
We started dancing around the gym and the people were looking at us weird.
"Anyway let's start with weights, yeah?" Becky interrupts.
"Yeah." Bayley and I agree.

We do that for about two hours until we get tired. I go for some water for all of us. When I turn the corner, I feel eyes on me. I turn and all the men in the gym are staring at me. And not in a friendly way.
I quickly bend down to get three water bottles out the cooler when I feel someone behind me.

"Hey sexy."

I know that voice from anywhere.
It's that doofus, Jack Swagger.
I stand up more straight and turn around. Our faces were so close, I could smell his fish breath from miles away.
I mentally cringed when he spoke again.
"How about I take you to my room and we ca-"
I turn to the source of the voices and yes voices not voice.
I see Seth, Xavier, and Dean standing there with pissed off looks on their faces.
"I would step away from her if I were you." Dean says with his fist balled up.
"Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?" Jack says.
I see Seth and Xavier try to hold Dean back.
"You mean, what she's gonna do about it?" They give me nods and I understand.
While his back is turned, I do a back stabber and turn it into the bank statement.
I let go when the boys separate me from him.
"Never mess with The Boss." They say in unison.
I turn to the entire men's gym and say:
"That goes for all of you."
They get scared and go back to what they were doing.
I turn to my best guy friends and thank them.
That was one eventful gym day.
I know this kinda sucks but I had to update something. There you have it Senzo shippers.
Stay faithful and hope ful.

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