|| Chapter 5 ~ Riley Is What Now?! ||

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I sat there, pactient and tense. Waiting for her reply.

"Riley is.." she stuttered ", Riley is kind of related to you..."

My heart suddenly stopped.

I thought life couldnt get worse.

My mum had gone because of cancer.

Olivia was my step sister.

My dad was getting hardly paid.

"What?" I tried to speak but i spluttered out as a whisper.

"Leora..." Isaac came round the sofa and sat on the floor with me.

"How? How can she be in my life?"

"Your mum, She had a baby... Riley. They sent her away because we couldnt handle her."

"Why didnt you tell me sooner?!" Heat was rising from my neck to my cheeks.

"I didnt know, i was only young...I hadn't found out until I was 15."

"How is that even possible?!" I nearly screamed. My heart rate speeding up by the second.

"Well..." She fumbled with her ring on her right hand ",Your Mum and Dad split for a year or so and she went to my Dad when he was seeing my Mum. They had Riley and your dad never knew. My Dad moved out, away from my mum to take care of Riley and then my Mum got pregnant and so did your Mum. They had us. With my Dad and your Mum taking care of Riley secretly, they couldn't handle it and sent her away. Then ,out of the blue, your Mum was diagnosed with Cancer. Your dad still doesn't know about Riley, Leora. Only you do."

I suspected Isaac didn't hear the whole story when his mouth slightly parted. My eyes welled up and every drop of liquid that came out of them, made me feel worse.

I shouldn't even call her my Mum, should just call her 'Hailey' her actual name! Or even just Riley's Mum.

Olivia sobbed on me while I sobbed on her. Two broken hearts and they weren't because of boys.

After a while we still had red eyes but Isaac did go out and get us Ice cream. I think I am actually getting along with Olivia much more, I do have to anyway she is my step-sister.

I snuggled into Isaac and fell to sleep.


Something shifted under me causing me to be wide awake and ready to attack!

"Shh.. Leora it's 5 am..." Isaac said calmly. I had slept on him the whole night. There was no sign of Olivia.

"Isaac?" I looked back at him.

"Yes, Gorgeous?"

"Was that all true what Olivia had said. I am related to Riley?" I asked.

No words came out of his mouth but I could tell from his expression on his face that it was all true. I leaned up and kissed him gently, a bit longer than I ever have. He wrapped his hands around my waist and mine where on his neck. He pulled me closer and I kissed him like I had nothing to loose. We pulled away for a second and he whispered in my ear ",I love you, Sweet Cheeks..."

And I smiled and said back ", I love you too, Isaac..."


I had a nap that continued on until 11am. Isaac was standing in front of me with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Morning!" He smiled and placed it on the side. His soft lips pressed against my heard and I smiled.

"Isaac?" He sat on the sofa next to me turning on the tv.


"For my play should I do Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan or Hopeless Dreams?"

"Wasn't Hopeless Dreams how Ivy and Levi met?" He asked looking for a program to watch.

"Yeah but it would be really hard to do with all the magic and stuff..."

"Peter Pan?" He asked.

"Umm... Maybe," I quickly said as I snatched the remote out of his hands and found The Disney Channel.

"Disney? Really?" He groaned.

"Disney is like Neverland, you don't ever have to grow up!" I giggled.

Wow, what a beautiful quote I have created! :)

Thank you for reading Penglets!!!
What do you think Leora should do? Peter Pan or Alice in Wonderland?
And did you see that plot twist coming?!
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Read more to find out what happens next!!
Love you!!
Christmas Chapter coming soon!!!

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