|| Chapter 10 ~ Christmas! ||

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Tap, tap, tap my fingers went on the sofa's arm rest. It was the next day after me freaking out over Christmas and my delivery was supposed to come the day after at 1pm and it was 2:30pm. My heart started to beat faster per second.

If I don't get this done by tonight then I am DEAD!

"Isaac!" I yelled, unable to move.

"Yeah!" His slur of words coming from his bedroom.

"Has the post came?" I shouted nervously. I hate internet when it promises you a time then it a certain time then it never comes on time. Useless.

"Umm... No? Why?"

"Oh- no... nothing! Don't worry," I got up and started to pace around the room ", Everything is fine!"
I lied. Everything was NOT fine. The presents had NOT arrived. I was NOT sure if Isaac would even want the present I gave him and I was NOT sure if I had even got Olivia a present.
Does Riley even know we are kinda sisters. She has to...right?
I stormed off to my room, slamming the door behind me.

"Jesus, Woman!" Isaac shouted. I laughed, still angry and stressed, my whole body flopped onto my bed. I reached for my phone to text Ivy. Instead of texting, Instagram was my first app choice to go on. I scrolled through, what felt like one million, photos and came to multiple ones including ready wrapped presents. As jealous as I was, I ran to my desk and quickly logged on. My mind suddenly turned to panic mode as it read in the description below about the time it would be sent. '20th-23th' late.


It was 9pm and there was still no sign of the gifts. Ivy had already posted on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter about being so organised and excited. All I was unorganised and panicked.

The dormbell had gone off multiple times, me always rushing to the door first expecting the presents but it was Janet and Janis handing out math booklets. They must of thought I really loved the booklets, or that I loved them.

I pressed play on 'Spotify' and 'How Far I'll Go' from 'Moana' started to play on a loop. I laid their for hours and there was still no dormbell. My body had soon fell asleep, not noticing it was 10pm.


My eyes shot open as they adjusted to the dark lighting. It looked like Isaac had came in and wrapped me in a blanket. 'Moana' was still playing quietly. I turned my phone off and plugged in my charger, noticing that it was now 1pm. I crept out of my room and headed to the door. It creaked open and I gently opened it to peak through. There lay my gifts. I snatched them and locked the door behind me and sat down on my bed. The cello-tape was stickier than I had expected so it had stuck everywhere but it had all worked in the end. Well it looked as if.

I hid the presents under the tree except Levi's, Ivy's, Olivia's and my Dad's. i snuck out of the dorm going to everyone's dorm, dropping off presents. My car was frozen from all of the ice and wind. I tried my best to wipe it off without freeze any part of my body off.

That night was literally like me being Father Christmas and I only had gotten round 3 places. I headed to my Dad's, dropping the present off at the porch. I left and note saying 'Merry Christmas, Daddy! I love you!'

I loved him. It had always been me and him since I was about 2. Mum had just left to go to Ryan. I felt sorry for Olivia, to have only have one parent that loved her, but that one parent couldn't stick around for ever.

I drove home, think about it all, feeling sorry Olivia. Was she lying about Riley? Is she actually my kinda sister? Something had gotten into me about Olivia. Even though she had been mean to me for all these years.

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