|| Chapter 26 ~ 'Why Are You Wearing Clothes?' ||

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I lay there in Isaac's arms. My head turned over to his alarm clock reading 1:35am. I rolled my eyes and I turned back to face the ceiling. My mind working away and my eyelids feeling like they were never going to shut, I carefully slid out of Isaac's arms and wandered back into my room. I changed into jeans and a hoodie, tying my hair up in a pony tail. Once I came to the front door I had my white converse on and had the keys in my hand. Unlocking the door and placing the car keys in my brown over the shoulder bag, I locked the door behind me trying to be as quiet as possible for Isaac not to wake. Making my way down the stairs ,I heard a door close to my left. Turning my head, I recognised the male figure staring back at me. I stood there for a while as so did he, trying to figure out what was happening. Until it clicked. It was Riley's room.
"Cameron?" I whispered in a sort of shouty way, just enough for him to hear me.
"Leora?" He answered, squinting a little, obviously a bit slow on the recognition.
"What are you doing?" I was now squinting just to see what his was facial expressions were showing.
"Revising..." he trailed off, starting out nervous and sharp.
"Yes. What are you doing?" He responded awkwardly back.
"Huh? At this time?" He was louder now. Neither of us squinting, our eyes adjusted to the lighting.
"Revising at this time?" I judged with a smirk proudly across my face.
"Bye, Leora," he gave in waving, his arm only flopping up then back down. A pathetic excuse for a wave in my opinion.
"Oh, I ship it so much," I teased.
"Good morning," I corrected, smiling as I made my way down the stairs.

The automatic doors slid open for me as I walked through the entrance of the building full of knowledge. Whenever they did that I always felt privileged even with cars at the zebra crossing, it felt like I was famous. My eyes eagerly darted to the teen fiction as so did my feet. I searched for 'All The Bright Places' over and over again. This was a book I had read about a million times, each read never getting old. It's like I didn't even know the ending, as the tears still as harsh as the first time I had read it. I loved whenever books made me cry from either sadness or of  joy. I knew it had made me feel something and impacted me, so much more powerful than the film. A short girl stood next to me, her hair a dirty blonde colour, long and messy. Her deep blue eyes focused on probably words "I'm disappearing maybe I'm already gone.' My eyes widened. All The Bright Places, I thought.
"What do you think?" I spoke up to the young girl. She wore a t-shirt that had the faces of the Beatles.
"It's amazing, but depressing," she let out a small laugh, her eyes trailing up to mine.
"Yeah, I'm obsessed with that book, made me feel so many emotions," I smiled.
"Even so far, I'm only about a quarter way through and I'm already feeling all the feels. I love Finch."
"Same, how could anyone not?"
"My friend, Grace, read it before me and she just quit and complained that he was annoying. Like, come on here!" She was passionate about it as her voice raised over the course of the small speech. She laughed awkwardly noticing the how much she rambled on. "I'm Mae, short for Maeve. It's my middle name but most people call me by it. I'm thinking of changing it round with my first name when I'm older," she smiled sticking her spare hand out to shake mine.
"Leora, just Leora," I smiled taking her hand.
"So why are you here this late?" She asked, my hands now by my side, whereas hers under the book.
"Couldn't sleep. You?"
"My dad's a professor here and I am fascinated by books so I come here while he stays late," she replied, handing to book over to me. "Here, I've got one at home, I just forgot to bring mine."
"Thanks. My friend Ivy still has mine. It's probably stuffed at the back of her wardrobe or something," I gave out a small laugh. "What classes do you take?"
"Oh, I'm 16, still at school," she sighed.
"Mae!" A man's voice said, probably in the other isle. Both our heads turn in the direction.
"Mae," the man was tall, dressed in a brown suit carrying a short of black basket that ran on wheels. Paper was piled to the top, mostly marked with A's in green pen. He had a brown short beard and curly short hair to match. His eyes were a deep brown, opposite to Mae's. A sweet smile spread across his face when his eyes met mine, I gave a similar one back in return. "Hello, I'm Professor Wilson," his hand stuck out to mine ",This is my daughter Mae Wilson."
"I'm Leora Threade, I am a student here. I take English Lit," I smiled, our hands now by our sides after shaking for about 3 seconds.
"I'm a Chemistry Professor, Mae will be taking Art," he looked down at her smiling as he was before.
"Yes," she said awkwardly, her hands fumbling.
"I better go," I looked at the clock in the far corner of the hall that read 5:26am. "I left my boyfriend Isaac in the dorm all alone," I laughed awkwardly ",but you should talk to him sometime, he enjoys listening to the Beatles," I said pointing to her shirt. She smiled and pinched the end of her t-shirt to tilt and take another look. Her head rose so her eyes could meet mine. "Here," she took out her green iPhone 5C and handed it to me ",Just enter your number and I can get a hold of you." I smiled and entered my digits. Once I had done, the phone returned to its owner and I left the library. My mouth was still curling, remembering the sweet encounter.

Once I got in, I gently laid down the keys on the counter, sliding off my shoes at the door. Isaac's figure emerged from his bedroom. He still wore his grey tracksuit bottoms. My eyes adjusting to the light, as I had previously had my phones torch on, he had still remained shirtless. wow. His strong hand reached up to rub his left eye. "What are you doing?" he asked, his voice raspy from his sleep. Isaac took another look at me, now looking up and down, "And why are you wearing clothes?" my eyes widened searching for a developed question, "proper ones, I mean. Did you go to the library?" I nodded, going to give him a hug.

"I met this girl, only a little younger than us but she likes the Beatles, I might meet up with her tomorrow, in between classes," I smiled up at him. Everything finally felt like it was melting into place, with only one year left of college I was ready to start a life.


I don't know what ending I am going for with this book. I think it all depends if you want a book 3, I mean it's your choice. ARE YOU GETTING SICK OF LEORA AND ISAAC AND WANT ME TO FOCUS ON A DIFFERENT BOOK?

Anyways, thankyou for reading. Love youuuu


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