|| Chapter 14 ~ Trust? ||

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There are some good thing about living with Isaac. But along with that comes bad things as well such as, him going with Riley on a project and him always being on his phone. But good things, are him always being there and that I love him... although I thought I did. To be honest I had no idea what love was. I thought it was where you care for someone who makes you smile when you see them, gives them butterflies and they won't even let you down. But I felt like Isaac had. He hadn't been telling me everything and he went with Riley. I am not a child but it upsets me.
I was laying on my bed, my arms stretched out as if something was trying to tear me in half. Ivy was at my desk, ranting about Isaac. It made me feel sick, like me and him were actually over. He hadn't come back to the dorm ever since this morning and he hadn't told me where he was going. The walls seemed to sway from side to side like I was on the Titanic as it hit the iceberg and sank. All the people screaming, only some rocking themselves to sleep.
"How could he?" Ivy went on, wafting her hands up and down then to the side. My eyes focused on the ceiling as I kept thinking of Isaac. His blue eyes staring back at my hazel eyes, his lip ring shining, his grin that always seems to appear when i look at him. Just him in general.

"I don't know, Ivy," I said trying to stop the ringing in my ears ",Yes, maybe your ship is starting to crumble but so am I. I can't deal with it!" Tears trickled down my face, leaving a mark from my messy makeup.

"Leora, I-" She came and rubbed my back as I laid face forward sobbing into my sheets. I was a wreck, I looked a wreck and I felt like one too ",Come on, now. Dry those tears. I am sure Isaac still loves you."
That's when it hit me. There was doubt in her mind that he didn't love me. There was in mine.

"Ivy I am so scared," I whispered out to Ivy.

"What?" She mumbled.

"I am so scared," I repeated ",of the future. Everything will change one day and I was hate it. I will feel so alone. It will be all new. I am scared of worrying for the rest of my life and not being able to make a decision. I am scared of being laughed at."

"Oh.." she stopped. She realised I had always been like this. I knew she had.


Isaac got in an hour later. Ivy still here. I was still looking like a wreck.
"Hey," Isaac burst through my door with a smile on his face. It then dropped, as well as his bag. Me and Ivy were snuggled up in bed watching 'Bridget Jones Diary'. We had tissues thrown out everywhere still. "Leora?"
I looked over at him not being able to move. Ivy hugged me then started to get out of the bed ",I think I should go, Leora. Love you," she smiled slightly. As she went out with her bag in her hand she glared at Isaac. I heard the door shut.

"What's wrong," he asked sitting on the bed. I paused the film then put shut the laptop and plonked it on the floor.

"Nothing," I said drying my eyes, smiling slightly.

"No, what's wrong?" He asked again but more firmer.



"I don't understand why you went with Riley," I finally got out.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Why not?" I mimicked him in disbelief ",She is technically my step sister who went out with you! You, Isaac. And believe it or not I am your girlfriend last time I checked."

"Yes, I am your boyfriend but why can't I hang out with other girls?!"

I groaned in frustration ",I am not saying that-"

"Then what are you bloody saying, Leora?" He asked harshly. Tears started to well up in my eyes.

"Isaac, She is my step sister who went out with you and is now mad at me for going out with you. I am confused about my family and I need some support. And I thought you could do that." I took a breath.

"Leora, i am sorry."

"What's going on with your phone?" I asked.

"My phone?"



"Why did you keep looking at it when Ivy and Levi came round. And why have you been so jumpy when I come up to you and your on your phone?"
He mumbled something under his breath.
"What?" I asked.

"Riley," he said now loader ",She is the reason I have been on my phone so much. I know she is my ex-girlfriend and your... whatever, but she wouldn't leave me alone. We just talked about life and the past and Scarlett."

"Isaac, you could talk to me," I tried hard not to burst into tears.

"Riley knew her, partly. Scarly never liked her when I brought Riley home. I don't know why. I miss Scarlett so much." His eyes then welled up.
I hugged him. Regretting that I pushed him too far. He pushed me too far.
"Riley and I have just been talking, I swear."

"Shh," I whispered into his chest and I sobbed ",I should of never doubted you."


Falling asleep with 'Finding Nemo' on, I had cried it all out and Isaac had already got it out. I thought about Ivy then to Isaac to see if I could trust him. I partly trusted Isaac but not Riley. She was up to something and I was going to find out what it was.

Thank you for reading!!!!
Feel so proud for updating 😂
So yeah, this chapter had quite a bit of drama in it.
   Comment who you trust and who you don't!
    🦄Instagram ~ xterig 🦄

    Comment who you trust and who you don't!LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!    🦄Instagram ~ xterig 🦄Bye!!!!

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