|| Chapter 18 ~ 'Oh Lord!' ||

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"Oh my lord! The cast sheets are out!" I heard a group of people cry in joy. I smiled and pulled a sad face at the same time. I basically looked mental but it was my emotion and I showed it, not proudly, but I showed it. Me and Grian had put the audition sheets out. Isaac for Peter, Harriette for Wendy, James Diviro as Captain Hook and Riley for TinkerBell. Yes, I had to include Riley. She is mean and all but she was good at acting, you had to admit that even Ivy did. James is crazy but hey, didn't have anyone else who would want to be him which gives me the impression James is going to either be weird or a handful.
I saw Harriette in the corner of my eye who smiled awkwardly in the corner. She came up to me and said ", Thank you! This is my first lead role!" I smiled and she walked away. Then I saw Riley, moody.
"Fine. I'll be a TinkerBell," she strutted off with her arms folded. Then things go weird, really fast.

"Oh no!", I saw James looking at the audition sheets in a pink tutu and a wand in his hand. He pouted his lips ", I wanted to be TinkerBell. Better luck next year." Things had calmed down, not as weird. I was glad, James was probably not a good idea. It had all took at least 2 months to figure out. We celebrated in the theatre at 6pm while all the students and teachers had filled out. Only me, Grian, Grian's dad, Ivy, Levi and Isaac. We had a few glasses of sparkling water and when Grian's dad left we all shared a bottle of red wine. I feel like I am more keen with red wine. White wine just isn't my type. I felt reckless for some reason, maybe because I was drinking in school, I don't know but it felt good. Luckily I didn't go home vomiting everywhere and the next morning was pretty good.

May. Soon summer. I could last. Hopefully. It would give people about 2 months to learn the script which I think is enough and then we work on staging for 2 months and then the show! I was excited but nevous. By the time we had to do our show it would be September which is terribly close to when me and Ivy turn 19. It feels like only yesterday it was the last year at secondary school. Oh, how long ago that was. All the drama with Olivia, even though I didn't miss that because I still had it but with Riley who is somehow related to me.
Oh Lord! I remembered it was Isaacs birthday in about a week. I was in trouble, definitely. His birthday is on the 16th of May so I had time to get a gift and a card. How stressful birthdays are. Double 'Oh Lord!' Levi would be 20 on the 20th of October. Man! He was going to be... a man, basically. Triple 'Oh Lord!' I could get married in 5 years or more or less! Quadruple 'Oh Lord!' I could have a child in 5 or more or less years! Sextuple 'Oh Lord!' Levi and Ivy could have a child soon! Maybe not too soon, but soon. Octuple 'Oh Lord!' I was going to have a job and a house! Nonuple 'Oh Lord!' This could go on forever.
Honestly, so much could of happened.
Isaac came in the dorm at a bad time, I was just laying there having the convocation in my head, I kept guttering side to side. I looked mad.
"Alright there?" I shot up in shock.
Decuple 'Oh Lord!' My boyfriend just saw me freaking out about a weird convocation that happened in my head.

Time pasted so slowly, I sat there with a bouncy ball in my hand. What was wrong with me? I just kept having conversations in my head, alone.
Well that sounded sad!
It's not.
I couldn't believe it! I was doubting myself in my own head were I should rule not... myself.
That didn't make any sense at all!
I know!

I had pizza again that night with Isaac. We shared a bottle of lemonade.
Undecuple 'Oh Lord!' Could I die of eating too much pizza?!
Dupdecuple 'Oh Lord!' It's my obsession. But is this obsession that bad? I think not!

Tredecuple 'Oh Lord!' Nothing had happened I just wanted to have a sequence of this conversation in my head, alone.
Shut up!

Thank you for reading!
This chapter is definitely different... and a bit mental!
Do you have convocations in your head, alone?
I do!
I CAN'T!!!
Love you!
Read more to find out what happens next!!

 and a bit mental!Do you have convocations in your head, alone?I do!Loner!I CAN'T!!!Love you!Read more to find out what happens next!!Bye!!!!

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