3| Roves

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"RUBY? GEMMA CALLED out once we had completely finished unpacking. I followed her as we wandered into the main area of the apartment, and Ruby suddenly popped up from behind the kitchen counter.

"What?" She asked as she ducked down again to pull out another black pot.

"You said Roves was hiring, yeah?" Gemma asked and I fidgeted with my fingers nervously. Ruby did not look like she wanted to be bothered and Gemma was too confident towards her. She was the type of person to never shy away, she'd ask a stranger for a kiss. I was the complete opposite of that. Yes, I worked in retail and had to have a lot of social skills for the job, but when I knew a customer was not in a good mood I would stay away. And that was exactly how I was seeing Ruby in this moment.

"Yeah..." Ruby placed the pot and a pan on the stove, lighting a flame under the both of them.

"So who do we talk to? And what are you cooking?"

Ruby paused. "Stir fry and honestly, I don't think you're cut out to work there." Ruby scoffed a laugh and I felt the tiny amount of confidence that I did have wither away. I also detected the accent and what it was exactly- Australian.

"Uh, why?" Gemma asked for me. I had not spoken one word on my own yet.

"Well, for one, you've got to love male attention." She looked over her shoulder, making eye contact with me straight away as if she knew me.

"And two, you've got to be hot." My mouth fell open and Gemma gasped.

"She is hot! I mean, maybe, just maybe she doesn't look that great right now, but once she's gotten a full nights rest and I've popped that pimple on her chin, she'll be hotter than you." Gemma grabbed my hand and dragged me back into my room.

Once in there, I felt myself wanting to cry. "That was so mean." I said, feeling my chin for the pimple that I did not even know I had.

"Like I said, she's a dick. Sit down and let's get you looking like a Roves girl."

After painfully squeezing my pimple, she began to do my makeup. I had no idea what she was doing with my eyes, but I let her do what she wanted while I kept them close. I felt her apply fake eyelashes which I did not mind because I wore them every time I went out somewhere social.

Gemma searched through my wardrobe until she decided that I did not have anything that was worthwhile. She ended up giving me her plain black dress to wear that was way too tight for me but I had to pretend it wasn't. The dress kept riding up which annoyed me but Gemma insisted that it didn't matter because Roves had a "slutty" uniform anyway.

"Are you sure this isn't too much? I mean, it's barely one in the afternoon."' I said as I examined my makeup in the mirror. The bags under my eyes no longer existed and I wore a black smoky eye. I did look really good, however, Ruby's words kept echoing through my head, reminding me I wasn't hot.

"No, trust me, this is going to be the type of makeup they'll expect you to wear once you're working there."

"Really?" I gulped. Maybe I wouldn't be cut out for this place. I was a huge prude.

"Relax, they give an alright pay so it's worth it." Gemma said as she held my shoulders and peered over my shoulder to look at the reflection. 

"Okay, fine. But I want a jacket until we get there."

Gemma gave me her furry pink jacket to wear, stating that it was such a "celebrity" thing to wear, whatever that meant. The entire drive there I could not shake off what I had just experienced with my new roommate. She really was rude, and it worried me that she would treat me that way after just meeting me.

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