18| JetSki

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I WAS HAVING a blast. Borderline tipsy but harmlessly happy. Cody let me control the entire yacht and even though it was moving slowly, to me it was incredibly fast.

Music had started playing in the background but the atmosphere was still relaxed. It had only been about two hours and I already felt comfortable with everyone, either because of the alcohol or because they made me feel good. I also came to the realization that Cody was not hitting on me, he was touchy with everyone and that was just how he was. It did not mean he wanted to do anything to me.

I also figured out that Jax and Sabrina were so devoured with each other's presence that no one else existed to them. Sage was the friendliest one out of everyone but Cody, and Nadine was quiet but constantly followed after Sage like a sidekick.

Gemma was having a go waterskiing, holding onto a rope that connected to the back of the yacht and screaming as she tried to keep her balance. Everyone had moved to the back to watch her and cheer her on, while I snuck over to the cooler to grab myself one more drink, not because I wanted to get drunk but because I was extremely thirsty and there was nothing else to consume.

I reached for the one that had the least about of alcohol. It was watermelon flavoured, which was even better.

However, as I turned around, drink in my hand, it was immediately snatched off of me.

"Hey, what-"

"No more." Ruby said as she walked past me to put it back in the cooler.

I frowned. "Why?"

"Because you're an even bigger idiot when you're drunk and you make stupid decisions and I don't want to deal with you being like that. Especially not here." Ruby shut the cooler.

I scoffed. "Half the people here are drunk, you're not going to tell them off?"

"They didn't fall for a stupid excuse and then run off with a stranger, now did they?" She turned to face me, raising an eyebrow.

"Who knows what they've done, maybe they have!" I argued.

"God, you're almost drunk. You need to get your shit together." Ruby walked past me, and I turned around to face her back.

"You're just jealous because you can't drink, probably because you're an even bigger idiot than me when you're drunk!" I shouted, and she stopped dead in her tracks. It took her a few seconds, but she finally turned around to face me after taking a deep breath to contain herself.

"At least I'm aware of it. Unlike you." She walked out of the room, leaving me and the cooler alone.

I could of easily grabbed another one without her there to stop me, but I no longer felt thirsty. I was too irritated.

I walked out to the back of the yacht where Gemma was still going. My anger faded away as I watched her, smiling to myself. Her hair resembled purple cotton candy as it flew around. I could not believe she was my best friend. She was too amazing.

"Guys, let's get the JetSkis out!" Cody announced from the roof of the yacht. I have no idea how he got up there, but he did, and he looked powerful.

Then, in less than five minutes I found myself sitting on the back of a JetSki with Gemma.

"You know how to ride this thing?" I asked Gemma from behind her shoulder.

"Pfft, nope!" Gemma laughed. "But I mean, how hard can it be? I just gotta pull this-"

She was cut off by both our screams as we were jerked forward so suddenly that we both where flown off the JetSki.

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