21| Fake It

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I SAT ON my bed with my legs crossed underneath me, staring at my phone's screen while my thumb hovered over the keypad. Ruby and I had only got back home less than an hour ago, and I could not stop thinking about what she did last night.

I was more confused about myself than her, and the way I felt when she touched me like that. I liked it. And not just because it felt good. Just her name in my mind made me feel funny inside, the exact same way I felt when I first met Rylan. I knew this was not a good sign.

I was a split second away from entering his number when my phone vibrated in my clammy hands. I glanced at the notification at the top.

From: Gem
I am soooooo hungover rn. Cody and I are going to dinner so won't be home till late. Don't wait up on me xx

I let out a heavy sigh and quickly replied to her before returning to the keypad. I started questioning what harm I could really do by inviting him over, but then I realized I will break his heart if he finds out I am not interested in him anymore. But last time I saw him, I knew I still had feelings for him. That was before Ruby moved onto me. Now the image of Rylan in my head did not do anything to my body. He just seemed boring. When I replaced that image with Ruby, it was a whole different story.

It can't be. I can't be crushing on Ruby. I have always been scared of her. I remind myself of her nature. She tortured a guy in front of me! And she sells drugs. Drugs- the thing I hate the most. The thing that took my parents from me.

As I remembered that, my fingers started rapidly tapping on the screen. I entered his digits and held the phone to my ear before I could even process what decision I had made.


I felt queasy when I heard his voice, unknown to the fact that his ex-girlfriend was calling him. Shaking, I quickly hung up.

I stared with wide eyes at the wall, phone slipping out of my loose grip and bouncing on the bed cover. I brought my hands to my lips and crushed them between my fingers. God damn it, Ellis! You had one job!

Drugs. She deals drugs.

With stronger determination, I picked up my phone and redialled his number again. He didn't pick up until the last ring, this time sounding impatient.

"Rylan?" I realized that I sounded like I was in trouble. My voice was shaky but quiet.

There was a long pause.

"Uh, this is Ellis, isn't it?" Rylan sounded unsure. The last thing he ever expected was for me to ring him again.

"Yeah." I let out a short chuckle. "Hi."

"Hi." He said just as shyly, seeming pleased to be talking to me. He coughed, clearing his throat. "Uh, what- uh, is everything okay? Are you okay?"

"Yes! I mean, everything is fine."

I heard him sigh in relief. "Okay, good. So, uh, why are you calling me?"

"Listen, I've been doing a lot of thinking and-" I paused, biting my bottom lip. Once this is said there is no going back. Rylan will know that you lied about whereabouts you live and he will then know where exactly you live.

"Ellis? You still there?"

I snapped out of my thoughts. "Yeah, sorry. Hey, can I just text this to you instead?" I laughed again, but in person I was not smiling.

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