28| I'm Coming Home

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"IT'S A TRAGIC loss for all of us. Gemma was young and was trying to make a life for herself. No matter how much money we would try to give her, she never took it because she wanted to be independent." Seeing Seth talk about his one and only child brought tears to my eyes. Melanie, her mom, let out a sob and Seth immediately held her in his arms.

Through my tears I asked, "did you know about her condition?"

"It seems like Gemma kept it a secret from everyone." Everyone but Ruby.

"She just didn't want us to worry." I said, and Seth nodded before resting his head against Melanie's.

It was silent between us three. We were sat outside under a white umbrella. The magnificent house was just a few feet away.

"If there's anything I can do-" I began but Seth quickly replied.

"There is something you can do, actually." I listened closely. "I know it's hard, seeing as she was your best friend, but it would mean the world to Melanie and I if you planned the funeral. Of course we'll pay for everything, but you know what Gemma likes better than we do."

My heart felt heavy as I processed his words. Me? Organize an entire funeral? It's not that I did not want to, it was just that I was worried I would not be able to do it in the way that Gemma would have wanted it.

Seth must have sensed the hesitation because he quickly said, "please Ellis, she would have wanted you to do it. You know, she never stopped talking about you. Even when you were in New York and she was here. You were her everything."

Melanie pushed the box of tissues towards me. I grabbed a few and wiped my eyes.

"Of course."

THE GUEST ROOM always made me feel like royalty. It was golden themed and the bed was a canopy with cream curtains.

It was only nine at night and I was not sure if it was extremely quiet because of everyone was already asleep or because the house was so big.

Earlier, Melanie had taken me into Gemma's bedroom as a child. It was just like how I remembered it- white and violet. She still had the doll house the size of a four wheel drive, the one that I would always feel jealous of.

Melanie let me take a few items of hers so that I could always remember her. But it was not like I would ever forget Gemma. She was permanently engraved on my heart. But still, I took her charm bracelet and photo frame containing a picture of us dressed as princesses when we were little girls. She was Sleeping Beauty and I was Cinderella. We had the headpieces and everything.

Now I sat in bed, writing down ideas for the funeral on a piece of paper. I had written down "white and pink roses" and "fur coats", because those were two things Gemma was obsessed with. Gemma would have wanted everyone to look stylish. I remembered that comment being made to me when we were watching a funeral scene in a movie.

I was about to prepare my speech when my phone started ringing. I quickly answered it, hoping the ringtone would not wake anyone up even though that seemed impossible in this house.

"Hey, you okay?"

My ears were met with heavy breathing, indicating that she was quietly crying. I immediately sat up, putting my note and pen down next to me.

"Ruby?" I slipped my legs off the bed.

"I can't do this anymore." She sobbed. Her voice was full of gut-wrenching emotion and I felt my chest tighten with sadness.

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