16| Pills and Potions

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I DON'T KNOW how I got home, but I did. Everything had become a blur after that night. I remember sitting quietly as Ruby drove us away from Ethan, shaking in my clothes, especially due to the fact that there was a deadly weapon just inches away from me. Then, I had climbed into Gemma's bed and tried to fall asleep knowing that Ruby was in the next room, not feeling one bit guilty for what she had done. I cried even more that night, my own hand clasped over my mouth trying to contain the noise.

When I woke up in the morning, I had forgotten about the events for several seconds. When they hit me, I felt my mood crumble down. The worst part was that Gemma had left for work, meaning that it was only Ruby and I.

I argued in my head on whether or not I should just stay out all day until Gemma came home. But then I realized that it would not make a difference- Ruby would still be here when I came back.

Instead, I tried to spend as much time as possible in the bedroom until my stomach was on the brink of devouring itself. I felt lightheaded and knew that if I didn't eat soon then my body would go into starvation mode and I would gain weight, and my uniform was already tight enough.

I listened for Ruby in the bathroom and snuck into the kitchen. My heart was beating extremely fast as I creeped myself out by imagining a gun being pointed at me while my back is turned to search the fridge.

I found a small carton of strawberries and grabbed them, hastily shutting the door and turning around at the same time.

I received the ultimate shock of my life when I found Ruby standing a foot away, so close that I would of accidentally kissed her if I had turned around quicker. She made me lose my grip on the strawberry container and it went flying to the ground, each piece of the fruit sprawling along the floor.

I furrowed my eyebrows at her. "Are you trying to kill me?" I said, breathing in heavily to try and return my heart rate to normal again.

"Have you been avoiding me?" Ruby said with a hint of playfulness in her voice. I rolled my eyes and bent down on my ankles, picking up the strawberries and dropping them back in their container.

"It's not everyday you see someone torture a guy." I say, moving past her to get to the sink. As I let the cold water run over the container, I felt Ruby's presence just behind my shoulder, a little too close for comfort.

"Aren't you happy? You're not pregnant!" Ruby said cheerfully, nudging me with her elbow. I flinched. Ruby sensed this and sighed.

"Look, I told you I wasn't going to hurt you. Yes, I have a gun but I've never actually killed someone. Maybe shot, but-"

"That doesn't make it much better!" I exclaim, scoffing at her words.

"Well... Those people all deserved it. You don't understand."

"How do you know they deserved it? What even is your job?" Even when I had moved away from the kitchen, Ruby followed closely behind.

"I work in the bar." She said as if it was the first time we met.


Ruby smirked. "I've told you before."

"I thought that was a joke."

"Well, I wouldn't really call myself a drug dealer. I only do it now and then, just for some extra cash."

A horrified look crossed my face, and Ruby immediately added, "relax, I don't actually do the drugs myself. I just sell them." As if that made anything better. Either way she still handles drugs, and if she was caught she could get into serious trou-

Wait, why do I care? She's not close to me, and I'm definitely not someone important to her.

"You know what, I'm just going to pretend that you didn't just say that. I'm also going to pretend that last night didn't happen." I said mostly to myself.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

I huff as I flee into the bedroom again, taking shelter underneath my blanket. I remain there for several hours, eating the food and reading a book that I found extremely boring but it helped keep my mind somewhat occupied.

When Gemma finished work, the first thing she did was enter my room to see me. As she approached my bed, I suddenly remembered the conversation we had a while back, where she was trying to persuade me into not paying her back. I realized that I never made myself clear enough. I was definitely paying her back.

"I have some money to give you. It's not much but it's the most I've got." I sat up and reached over to the bedside table, pulling out some money that I had stashed in the drawer.

Gemma looked unpleased with the idea but she still smiled gratefully.

"I know you won't listen so I'll accept it anyway." She said as she watched me half the notes.

I handed her the money. "One day I'll win the lottery or I'll get famous and buy you a mansion."

Gemma chuckled. "I hate being rich. It's so boring." Gemma looked up at the ceiling. "Plus I didn't do much to deserve it. All I did was be the lucky little sperm that won the race."

I grinned at her words before averting my eyes to the other half of the money in my hands.

"Can you give this to Ruby for me?" I asked, nudging it towards Gemma.

Gemma eyed me curiously. "Why can't you do it?"

I felt my skin heat up. "I think I'm getting sick. I can barely get out of bed." I said, closing my eyes as if I had an intense migraine.

"Well, hopefully you're better for the waterskiing trip. It's gonna be earlier than planned." Gemma said and my stomach churned.

"Great." I forced a smile, grinding my teeth together.

Gemma went to touch the back of her hand to my forehead but used a bit too much force and slapped me instead. We both screamed and Gemma immediately embraced me in guilt.

"I'm so sorry! Oh my God, your headache is probably worse now." Gemma wailed, squeezing me apologetically.

"Yep, it sure is!" I lied, squeezing my eyes shut. It pained me to lie to Gemma as much as I had been lately.

Gemma pulled away and walked towards the door. "I'm getting you some fever pills, hold on!" She said as she left the room. As soon as she was out my smile dropped and I returned to my naturally grumpy state, that is, until she came back with a glass of water and a pill in her hand.

"These are quite strong so that's why I'm only giving you one, but it should get rid of your headache in no time."

She handed it to me and I was hoping that she would look away for a few seconds so that I could pretend to take the pill, however, Gemma remained staring at me.

"Thanks." I said quietly, hesitantly bringing it to my lips. I discretely cup my hand over my mouth to cover the fact that I am not actually placing the pill on my tongue, and then quickly take a sip of water. I kept my fist clenched as I chugged down the lukewarm liquid.

Gemma raised an eyebrow at me, and as I feared, she reached for my fist and pried my fingers apart.

"Uh-huh! I knew it! Looks like you're coming waterskiing after all, no excuses."


The next chapter will be longer and better, and I'll update very early!

I made an ask.fm (@cambrywyatt) so that you can ask me questions (anonymously if you'd like!) about my stories or whatever if you'd like, I plan on making polls on it as well so I can get feedback or if I'm just curious! It will seriously help me improve my writing and motivate me so yeah. :) x

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