19| Rush

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BEFORE WE HEADED off, Ruby had suggested we go on one last ride, seeing as we were the only two who had not gone for a ride in a long time, besides Sabrina and Jax who I realized did not like to leave each other's sides, and barely socialized with anyone but each other.

Ruby got on first, and positioned the JetSki closer to the platform so that I could get on. Several hours after our small discussion about whether I hated her or not, Ruby and I had bonded a little bit. She stayed by my side for most of the day, even when I went to talk to other people, which was strange because in New York, she had run off and same as when we had gone out clubbing. Ruby was not all that bad, if you looked past the drug dealing and torturous ways. Maybe it was a one-off day where she just happened to be in a good mood. Maybe tomorrow she would return to her rude self.

The JetSki was natural to me now. I barely had to hold on tight to stay on top. Ruby went straight ahead, towards the green mountain where Gemma had originally gone with Cody. I have no idea what they did, but when Gemma came back she was extra giggly, as well as drunk.

I looked over my shoulder to see the yacht getting smaller and smaller until it looked like a white blob in the distance. The waters were empty besides us, and as we got closer to the mountain I could not help but gawk in awe.

It was huge, and started just a few feet away from where the lake ended. It was covered in thick green grass that looked almost edible and I was curious as to what was on the other side of it.

I got goosebumps looking directly up at it, imagining how small we looked compared to it.

"Nice, huh?" Ruby yelled over the sound of the engine splattering.

I looked forward again, over Ruby's shoulder.

"What's wrong with the engine?" I asked warily, just as the engine continued to make strange stuttering noises.

Ruby did not reply. She continuously pulled back at the handles to move faster but we were only slowing down until we came to eventually came to a full stop.

Ruby and I stayed silent, complete silence around us. The water was too still to make a noise, and there were no birds or even wind.

Finally, I spoke, a little too aggressively might I add. "It's probably 'cos you were going too fast!"

I slapped my hands against the leather seat and then removed my left leg from one side, turning my entire body to sit sideways.

I peered out the way that we came from, trying to make out the yacht. However, to my complete and utter horror, I realized that it was gone.

They left. Without us.

"This is why I don't drink. The fuck-heads are too drunk to even remember us." Ruby muttered and I let out an exasperated scream.

"Hey! Calm down! We aren't gonna die." Ruby told me, turning around in her seat to face me.

"It's getting dark! It's gonna be pitch black soon and then who knows what's gonna be out there, either behind this hill or in the water!" I bought my feet up and tucked them underneath my body, hugging my knees tightly. The water was so dark that it already looked creepy.

Ruby seemed amused. "Are you gonna cry?" She asked curiously, leaning towards me to take a better look at my face. I inches away from her.

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