10| Vomit Central

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BY THE NEXT day, I had come down from the drugs. The second I had woken up, I was startled to find myself on a couch. I thought I was back at Ethan's place but then recognized that I was just in my own apartment that I was still not used to. I realized that once arriving back here with Ruby, I had been too weak to even make it to my own bed. My neck ached from the hard leather but I had a brown wool blanket over my body, and I knew I was definitely not the one who put it on myself.

I sat up, squinting at the sun that shone through the large windows. Distracted by the view, I was not prepared to see Ruby stroll past towards the kitchen. She didn't look at me, either because she didn't see me or she just didn't want to acknowledge me right now. I wouldn't know why, I mean I called Gemma, not her.

"I guess you were right. I didn't die." I said, trying to find out if my voice would startle her. However, she didn't even blink, so she knew I was awake the entire time.

"Hm." Ruby scoffed a laugh but it vanished as quickly as it appeared.

"Worst part is that I have to go on with my life and pretend it never happened. I mean, what can I do? I don't remember what he looked like and I don't remember what his house looked like, let alone where it was. And now I've got to tell Gemma." The last thing I wanted to do was relive the night by speaking of it.

Ruby placed her hands flat on the island counter. "How about we don't tell Gemma?" Her words were like music to my ears. Although I should feel guilty not telling my best friend everything that happens in my life, I know it's for the best. Gemma would blame herself and then I'd have to explain to her how it wasn't her fault, and it would go on forever. I don't need that stress in my life right now.

"Speaking of Gemma, I should go check on her." I said as I threw the blanket off my legs and got up from the couch. As soon as I was upright I was hit with nausea.

"Oh sh-" I barely got to get the word out before my mouth salivated, and I knew what was about to happen. Luckily, I made it to the toilet just in time, where I collapsed onto my knees and gripped the bowl like I was hanging off a cliff.

It came out of my mouth like lava. Whenever I thought I was done, it would start again. However, I told myself that it was good to get the drugs out of my system, if it was even still there.

"Move! Move!" I heard Gemma's voice incoming and before I knew it I was shoved to the side. I fell flat on my back against the cool tiled floor and groaned.

The sound of Gemma's vomit leaving her body triggered me, and I had no choice but to use the bin next to the sink.

"I hate you so much!" I said in between gags.

"I hate myself!" Gemma cried, louder than me.

As Gemma and I laid in bed together, I realized that I was scarred for life. Not from being drugged, but from throwing up in the same room as Gemma. The entire room smelled of alcohol and stomach acid, so bad to the point that Ruby walked in for half a second and walked back out.

"I'm never going out ever again. I promise you that." I said, gulping down cold water from a plastic bottle.

Gemma looked practically dead next to me. She faced me, lips parted and eyelids drooping.

"I'm never drinking again." She said.

"Yeah right." I replied. She always said that.

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