22| Is This Thing On?

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I POUNCED ONTO Rylan like a lion that had been stalking its prey for a while now and finally had the opportunity to strike. I crashed my lips into his so hard that I winced at the impact, however I kept going. It seemed as though Rylan had the same idea, as he was more than prepared when my chest leaned against his and my arms wrapped around his firm neck.

His hands coated my waist and drew me closer so that I sat directly on top of his crotch. Kissing him was almost torturous, but I was not giving up just yet.

I started teasingly grazing myself against him, hearing his breaths start stuttering out from his parted lips that mine were still pressed against.

"Take off your clothes." I whispered into his lips. I was done with foreplay. All I needed was to him to get undressed so that I could try this out.

Rylan seemed caught off guard by my request. With his eyes, he asked me if he was supposed to do it himself. I nodded and then collapsed off of his lap, beginning to shed off my own clothes.

Once he was fully naked, I could see his little friend had grown in a matter of a few moments. Seeing his penis made me uncomfortable, when it never had before. With every passing second I was starting to get more worried about my sexuality that seemed to be changing. In the back of my mind was Ruby, but I quickly pushed her away. No. That's not possible. Rylan is possible. Rylan, the boy you still had feelings for. Supposedly.

I flinched when his finger touched my arm. "Hey, we don't have to do this if you don't want to." He whispered.

I shook my head before pressing at his bare chest. "Lay down." I said and he did so, resting his head on the arm of the couch.

On my knees, I climbed on top so that I was hovering over him. I decided to keep my shirt on. For some reason I did not feel like Rylan deserved to fondle my breasts. This was not a love-making moment. This was just a test.

I grabbed him by the base and positioned the tip against my opening. He rested his hands behind his head, obviously enjoying my touch. But when I struggled to lower myself down onto him, he sat up.

"Ellis, wait." He said, grabbing a hold of my waist to stop myself from moving.

"What, Rylan?" I snapped, desperate to get this done and over with.

"You're not..." He glanced down at me.

"I'm not what?"


"So?" I tried to move again but he gripped me more firmly.

"So, it'll hurt you. You need to be turned on. I mean, I thought you already were but-"

"We have no time for that, Rylan! So, you either wanna fuck or not." I had no idea what was coming over me. I was on the brink of breaking down into tears and Rylan could see that.

"What the fuck?" He suddenly shoved me off, sending me flying back onto the other side of the couch. "Is there another man?!"

I brought my knees up to conceal my naked lower half. "No! Why would you think that?" The tears were threatening to spill out.

"Why the fuck are you crying during sex?!" His voice was so loud that I knew if we did not quiet down in the next thirty seconds then cops would be called.

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