17| Yacht

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THE LAKE IS beautiful. The weather is just right, not scorching hot but sunny, and no wind that would otherwise be flinging my hair all over the place. It's a massive lake, so big that I almost mistook it as the ocean, that is, until Gemma had to embarrassingly inform me that it was a lake.

I strayed behind Gemma and Ruby as I felt nervous getting closer to the lake, knowing that in a few more seconds I would be meeting their friends.

I worried about the thought of them not liking me. The thought of them talking behind my back about how I ruined their day, seeing as I was never invited in the first place.

If they were only associated with Gemma, then I would be less nervous. However, these people were also associated with Ruby, and I don't know what type of people she enjoys hanging out with.

Gemma noticed me far back and gestured with her head to catch up. I started moving my legs even quicker, the two bags of things clasped tightly around both hands. Thank God I offered to carry most of the stuff, otherwise I would of looked more awkward than I already did.

In the distance, I saw a small white yacht, the back of it completely open. I had never been on a boat before, let alone a yacht. I felt even more excitement and pressure build up inside of me.

As we got closer, a man around mid-twenties jumped off the back of the boat and walked towards us, his glistening and golden abs contracted with every step he took out of the water. He gave us a toothy smile, his teeth so white you could barely see the individual tooth. His jaw was covered in a blonde stubble that matched his unruly hair.

"Welcome!" He exclaimed, spreading his arms out for a hug. Ruby was first to give him one, except he did not hug and instead kissed her cheek. Then, he moved on to Gemma, doing the same thing.

"Cody, this is Ellis." Gemma said, smiling proudly like I were her child.

Cody walked towards me with the same smile, as if ready to give me a hug or a kiss. I mentally gave myself a pep talk to not mess this one simple gesture up.

"Ellis, hello gorgeous." Cody leaned towards me and expecting a kiss, I hastily moved my head to the side. However, all I was met with was a stubbly cheek, and I realized that Cody was expecting me to kiss him and I had indeed messed this up.

"Oh shi- Sorry, I thought you were gonna-" I stopped myself when Cody burst out laughing and threw his arm around me. Then, he forcefully kissed my cheek, making sure to make the "mwah" sound as loud as he could. I wanted to die.

I tried to avoid eye contact with Gemma and Ruby because I was scared of their reactions. Gemma probably looked ashamed and Ruby was probably rolling her eyes.

"Come on, let's introduce you to everyone." Cody said to me specifically, his arm still around me. Then he started walking towards the yacht and I was forced to move with him under his arm.

"Oh wow, this is amazing." I commented as I stepped onto the boat.

"If you think this is amazing then you should see my other one, I'd say it's about eight times the size of this one." Cody said and I realized the type of person he was.

Cody led me into a room, and the only room, on the boat. It was small but there was beautiful furniture inside- everything was white. The walls were made of windows so you could see out at the lake.

The four people on the sofas stopped talking and turned their attention to me. Everyone wore their swimwear, and two of them were holding bottles of alcohol.

"Guys, this is Ellis, Gemma's mate." Cody said, rubbing my shoulder.

"Hi," they all said simultaneously.

"That's Sabrina and her partner Jax, and then Sage and Nadine." Cody said to me as he pointed to each of them. They all had returned to their own conversation. I took in their appearances, realizing how gorgeous the girls were and how attractive the boys were. Jax, who sported a dark man bun, had his arm slumped across a dark-skinned girl, who I then knew was called Sabrina. On the other side of the room was Sage and Nadine, both blondes but Sage's was platinum, borderline white.

"Babe, I can take your stuff." Sage said as she rose from the sofa and walked towards me, reaching for my bags.

"Oh, thanks." I said, smiling appreciatively as she took them.

"Want a drink?" Nadine asked, patting the cooler that sat next to her.

"Uh, sure." She opened it and let me choose. One social drink would not do any harm.

"Cody, why is no one else at this place? Does the water have algae in it or something?" Gemma asked as she made an entry.

"I can assure you, the water's pristine. I rented this place out, told them that I would pay 8,000 to have it for the day." Cody said and I almost choked on my drink. Now I certainly did not fit in.

"Rubes, haven't seen you in a while." Cody said as Ruby entered, going straight for the cooler.

"Why would I need to see your face Cody?" Ruby questioned as she snooped through the ice.

"Well, you didn't come over for my birthday and you said you would after the nightclub."

"Yeah, well, I had to take care of some things." Ruby's eyes shot at me for a split second and I was hit with realization. That was the night I was at Ethan's. Ruby blew off her plans to come rescue me.

"You better have still got me a present." Cody commented, and I noticed his arm had snuck around me once again. This man was touchy.

Ruby was silent, as if realizing that she did not have a present and she was being questioned about it.

"My presence is your present." She finally said as pulled out a pink drink. She held it up. "Does this have alcohol in it?"

"All of them do. The only thing that doesn't is water." Cody said and Ruby dropped the bottle. I forgot she did not drink. I found that funny, how she refused to drink yet she sold drugs. I can't think of which is more dangerous.

"Alright, where's the water?" Ruby stood up straight again.

Cody spread his arms, finally letting go of me.

"We're surrounded by it!" He exclaimed before cracking up hysterically at himself.

Ruby did not even crack a smile. "Funny."

"Can we get this thing going already?" Sage asked, slumping her body as if she was tired. Or bored.

"Alright, wanna give it a go, gorgeous?" Cody asked me and I quickly swallowed the mouthful of alcohol.

"Wait, are you sure?" I giggled, wondering if it was safe.

"I mean, what's the worst that could happen? There's not much you can crash into here." He said. That was true. If I could drive on roads I could drive on water as well.

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