8| Party Drunk

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I REGRETTED COMING with them, because walking through the club after just arriving was the worst thing to experience sober. Several girls stepped on my feet with their heels, and a man had already came up behind me and started dancing, grabbing my hips and forcing my butt to grind against his crotch. I had screamed in disgust and scurried away before I even got the chance to look at him.

Once we reached the bar that was less crowded, I collapsed on a bar stool. Gemma took a seat next to me, smiling from ear to ear.

"This is going to be so fun!" Gemma shouted over the music. It was the same music that was played at work, and it was just as loud so I was used to it.

"Give me six shots please!" Gemma yelled towards the bartender.

"Six? At once?" I said, slightly shocked that she would go so hard when we had barely arrived.

"Three each." She said, and I immediately frowned.

"I told you- I'm not drinking!" I yelled frustratingly. She would not listen to me and that was a big pet peeve of mine.

"Fine. Five for me, one for you." She said, seeming also irritated as she turned to face the front. I liked the sound of that better, and what was one shot going to do? I would not even get tipsy.

The bartender slid the shot glasses towards us one at a time, and mine spilled over slightly as I put my hand out to catch it. No one noticed, which I was grateful for because it meant less alcohol for me.

Gemma turned to face me, holding the glass full of tequila near her lips. "Ready?"

I nodded and at the same time, we downed the drinks in one go. As it burned my throat and left a disgusting bitter taste, I held the back of my hand to my lips to stop it from coming up again.

"That was disgusting. Why would anyone enjoy that?" I said as I looked over at Gemma who didn't even make a face. She wiped her mouth before reaching for another one. I watched in horror as she downed the four other ones, barely taking a break in between. I suddenly became concerned for her health.

The drinks I had in the past were flavored, so I could drink as much as I wanted without feeling the need to throw up. I had only been drunk a total of three times in my life, twice when I was seventeen and once when I turned legal last year. The first time was at Gemma's birthday party at her house, and I gave into the peer pressure to have a few drinks. However, I wasn't aware of how much of a lightweight I was and past out in the gutter outside her home. The second time, I was with Rylan at Courtney's New Years Eve party and that just made me wake up full of regrets the next day. And when I turned twenty-one, Gemma and I had several drinks at a quiet bar before moving to go to a club. By the time we had reached the club I was already drunk.

I smiled at the memories. They were not exactly bad ones, but I found them amusing. I looked over at Gemma. She was buzzed while I still felt the same as usual, except more warmer on the inside.

"Hey, where's Ruby?" I asked, remembering that we had lost her seconds after walking in.

"She's usually doing her own thing." Gemma said, scanning the crowd.

An hour passes of just Gemma and I sat at the bar, watching her scoff down several more drinks before becoming so drunk that I lose her in the crowd dancing to the music.

"Gem?!" I yell at the top of my lungs, shoving between moist bodies while trying not to get trampled on. I felt a huge pang of worry as I searched as much as the area as I could, but it was no use. She was nowhere to be found.

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