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I WAS AWOKEN by an annoying sound, and unfortunately it was not from my alarm.

Gemma's obnoxious voice repeated the words "wake up!" into my ear, stirring me awake from the blissful dream that I had been having.

"Gemma, stop." I grumbled as I squeezed the pillow and turned to my side, using half the pillow to cover my ear.

I felt Gemma tower over me, her chest against my back. "This is what you get for sleeping in my bed." She said, and I could hear her smiling.

"What do you want from me?!" I frustratingly exclaimed, digging my face into my pillow, not caring that I could barely breathe. I felt like I had only been asleep for a few minutes, even my dream did not seem to last long. It had just reached the part of me opening the oven door to lay my eyes on the most beautiful cake I had ever seen, already frosted and everything.

Every move I made, I felt a sudden ache in my feet. "I've been working all night, just let me sleep a little bit more." I said, on the brink of tears and it was evident in my voice. I just wanted to sleep, and Gemma's morning happiness was getting on my last nerve.

"Fine." She said, surprising me. I felt the mattress rise as she got off, and a few seconds later I heard her walk out of the room, her bare feet sticking to the floorboards.

I huffed in relief and closed my eyes, trying to let sleep overcome me again. Just as I felt myself slipping away, the feeling of ice-cold liquid slapping the skin on my face made me scream.

I jolted up, frozen as I stared at Gemma at the end of the bed, holding a large glass that contained water a second ago. She looked equally as shocked, having not have expected me to react like that.

"I actually hate you." I said after a long ten seconds of silence as my body shivered and the feeling of sleep slowly shrivelling up.

"You don't."

"I actually do." Tears gathered in my eyes, threatening to overspill. When I am frustrated, I cry. People always see it as a weakness.

"You actually don't."

I grabbed her pillow and used it to wipe my face off, hoping that she will be just as annoyed as I was. But instead, she smiled proudly.

I glanced at her alarm clock only to read that it was eight in the morning.

"I've only been asleep for two hours. Why did you wake me?" I said through gritted teeth. I was already feeling nauseous from my lack of sleep.

"Because, I have the day off today and so do you. We aren't wasting it."

"Trust me, catching up on my sleep so that I won't die isn't wasting time." I peeled myself off her bed, walking past her. She immediately turned around and followed me.

On my way to the bathroom, I saw Ruby sat on the couch, legs resting on top of the coffee table and a bowl of cereal on her lap. She was changed into new clothes and appeared to be fresh-faced.

"How are you alive right now?" I asked in disbelief, hand on the bathroom doorknob.

"Insomnia." She said with a mouth full of milk, and if she didn't look so serious saying it I would of thought she was joking.

After getting ready like a zombie, I met Gemma in the kitchen. I was still annoyed with her but I had to give it to her- pouring water onto my face had really helped wake me up slightly.

"What's the plan?"

"We are going car shopping!" She clapped excitedly while I blinked slowly at her, trying to process what she was telling me.

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