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YOU KNOW WHEN you are so drunk that you can't control yourself anymore? Whatever comes out of your mouth is like word vomit and it is as if you are watching someone else make the stupid decisions? I could barely see clearly, let alone stand up on my own.

One more drink and I would have died from alcohol poisoning. There was no way I would survive.

"Please!" I was hysterical, not because my best friend was dead, not because Sage had told me the story of how she lost her beloved pet dog when it was attacked by vultures. No. I was crying because Ruby was forcing me to wear clothes, as if I were a toddler.

"Ellis, we need to go home." Ruby sounded frustrated but I could not process that in my mind.

"I don't want to go!" I had been having too much fun, even though it was nearly four in the morning.

Ruby attempted to place my dress over my head but I pushed it away and laid down on my back in protest.

Ruby stood up straight and pinched the bridge of her nose, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath in.

"I swear to God..." She muttered. She even looked good from this angle.

"Why are you so hot?" I said through my tears.

Ruby ignored this and pulled me up by my wrists. She threw my fur jacket over my bra, giving up on the dress.

"Why are you so fucking hot?!" I yelled at her. "You've turned me, you know that? I never liked girls until I met you!"

There was a hint of smile on her lips as she pulled the flaps of the jacket to cover my chest. She looked me in the eyes. "You're drunk."

"I'm hungry." I said. Ruby swiped at my tears with her thumb but I was too drunk to feel it.

"Ruby, can I talk to you?" Gia appeared out of nowhere. I looked up at her with hate in my eyes.

"You two are perfect for each other." I spat. Gia gave me a sympathetic smile, knowing very well that I was not able to think before I spoke.

"What is it?" Ruby said quietly. I stayed on the ground, looking up at the two.

Gia's eyes wondered. "Alone." She said.

Ruby looked down at me, contemplating if she should leave me alone right now. I closed my eyes and laid back down on the ground, suddenly exhausted.

"Alright, but be quick." When Ruby and Gia left I felt even more anger. They probably went to go have sex.

"Ellis," Sage appeared out of nowhere, straddling me. I groaned in response. "An Uber is coming to take us to McDonald's."

I was suddenly wide awake.

THE STREETS WERE empty at this time of night, and most stores were closed except for the McDonald's we just visited and the tattoo parlour up ahead. Even Roves was getting ready to close.

"Tattoos!" Sage said excitedly, dropping her ice cream cone in the process of bouncing up and down.

"What are you gonna get?" We were already moving towards it.

"I don't know, maybe an owl on my shoulder. I love owls." Sage said. "You should get something too!"

I snorted. What a good idea.

Hers (Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now