30| Little Things

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NO MATTER HOW hard I tried, I just could not write down what Gemma deserved. How much she meant to me, how wonderful she was, no words could suffice.

I never thought that I would have to be doing this so early on in our lives. It was something we joked about, our funerals, expecting to live beyond eighty-years-old. But instead it happened earlier. Way, way earlier.

The funeral was in a couple of days and the only thing I had organized was the flowers. I had a constant heaviness on my chest and it was not from the stress. I missed her.

I ducked into Gemma's bedroom and sat at the end of her bed once more. Something I did every single day. I looked up and down at the room even though I knew nothing had changed. Before I knew it, I was crying.

I managed to keep it quiet but Ruby still walked into the room, holding a white rectangular box in her tattooed hand. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw my emotions.

I hastily wiped my tears away and sighed. "I'll be alright." I told her, staring at the furry rug under my feet.

Ruby stayed silent and instead moved to sit next to me, her bandaged arm grazing against mine. There was plenty of room at the end of the bed.

She looked at me before nudging the box in my direction. I could now see the top of it. An iPhone.

"This is for smashing your phone. I'm really sorry about that."

The past few days had been so hectic that I forgot about my broken phone. I could no longer find a reason to use it. I only ever texted Gemma.

I attempted to smile but it was frail. As I touched the box, I suddenly remembered something.

"I'll be right back, stay there." I left the room and then a few seconds later, I returned with a bracelet. The one I had taken from Gemma's parent's house. I originally planned to keep it for myself but I figured that Ruby deserved something from Gemma's childhood too.

I placed it in her hands. When our skin touched, I felt shivers down my spine. She still had a way with me.

"It's Gemma's. She made it when she was about eight." I said, watching Ruby drag her thumb across the chain.

"Are you sure?"

I nodded, feeling satisfied with myself.

"You deserve it." I said.

Ruby smiled at me before clasping her other hand over the bracelet and standing up. Before she could leave, I quickly spoke again.

"Can you do me a favor," she turned around to listen, "you know who Gemma liked... Can you please invite them to the funeral? Cody, Sabrina, everyone."

Ruby smiled again. "Of course."

"THURSDAY? THIS THURSDAY?" I asked over the phone, my eyes widening as I looked over at Ruby who had turned around to watch me.

"I know it's earlier than expected, but we really want to put Gemma to rest." Gemma's father told me.

"I understand." I nodded, sliding onto the stool in front of the counter.

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