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"DID YOU SEE what I have to wear?!" I exclaimed to Gemma as she drove us home.

"Yeah, and you looked hot as hell. You should be happy, it's way better than my boring uniform."

"No Gemma, I looked like a-"

"Hey!" Gemma pointed her finger at me, removing her eyes from the road for a second. "Do not slut-shame."

I sighed in defeat and slumped back into the seat. The outfit was so revealing and risqué that I worried about what type of attention I would attract, specifically from the men in the club. Not only that, but I would also have to worry about my weight. Reece had pointed out that my legs needed to be slimmed down a little, as well as my hips. What was with everyone bringing my confidence down these days?

I didn't even want to look at the uniform sitting in the back seat. It just reminded me that I was too unattractive to wear it.

Gemma sensed my negative mood. "Hey, wanna grab some McDonald's?"

For a second my face lit up, but then I was struck with the crippling reality that I must live in from now on.

"I'm on a diet."

"What?! Since when?" Gemma raised an eyebrow at me.

"Since now. See, I told you I shouldn't work here! Now I have to constantly look my best. And right now, I'm not at my best." I pinched my thigh that was spread out like a hamburger against the seat.

"That guy's a joke. You have an amazing body, I wish I had it." Gemma tried but failed to change my mind about myself.

"Even Ruby said-"

"Fuck Ruby! She doesn't know you."

I sighed and pressed my head against the window. I wanted to go home. And not back to this home. I wanted to go home to New York.

"You know, I might go back to New York on the weekend, if I'm not working." I announced.

"And where are you gonna stay?" Gemma asked amused, as if she found what I was saying ridiculous.

"I'll see if Poppy can let me sleep on her couch. Just for two nights or something."

"No, no." Gemma shook her head.

"Why?" I frowned.

"Because I'm coming with you, so let's not bother little old Poppy and stay at a hotel or something."

"But that's way too expensive-"

Gemma put her hand up. "On me."

"One day I'll pay you back." I dreamed, smiling at her.

"You pay me back by your presence. And by cleaning the house. That's good enough." She chuckled and I grinned even longer.

Once we reached the apartment, the smell of dinner almost made us drool. Ruby stood in front of the stove, one hand on her hip and the other holding a wooden spoon as she mixed some vegetables around in a dark brown sauce.

"Yum, when's it ready?" Gemma hovered over Ruby's shoulder, watching her stir. I stayed near the door, one hand against the wall as I pulled off my shoes. Once they were both completely off, I sighed in relief. My toes were not broken, thankfully.

"Um, ten more minutes." She replied and Gemma patted her shoulder before bouncing away into her bedroom.

That just left Ruby and I alone.

As I pulled off my jacket, leaving myself in my tiny black dress, Ruby glanced over her shoulder. I folded it over the back of the stool and then took a seat, leaning against the counter with both my elbows.

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