39| Roomie

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"HEY, WE'RE HERE." I was stirred awake, my neck aching from the awkward position I had slept in for the remainder of the drive home.

I helped Ruby carry bags up to the apartment, and although the road trip was incredible, I was excited to be home again. Neither of us spoke as we were exhausted, Ruby more than me. After all, she had been the one that drove for most of the time.

I followed Ruby into the apartment after she had unlocked the door, but upon first inhale I detected an unfamiliar scent. Like fresh perfume, even though no one had been home for over a week.

Ruby turned around and looked at me when she noticed my thinking face. "Ellis, I need to tell you something." She said, but before any of us could speak again I saw Gemma's bedroom door open.

"Hi girls!" Gia stepped out from behind the door, a huge smile plastered on her face. I felt my whole world shake.

"W-" I let out a short, ridiculous laugh. "What are you doing here, Gia?" I asked as nicely as possible even though my blood was beginning to simmer.

Gia looked caught off guard, her eyes darting from Ruby and then back to me. "Didn't... Didn't she tell you?"

I glanced at Ruby, who had her arms crossed and was holding her chin. She avoided eye contact with me.

"Nope, don't think so," I said, keeping the friendly tone.

"Oh." It was suddenly awkward silence between the three of us. I prayed that one of them would explain. Surely, she was just visiting, right?

It was Ruby who broke the silence. "Gia's, moving in with us, Ellis." She said carefully.

Now my blood was boiling.

I gawked at them for several seconds, unable to believe it. "Do we have a spare room?!" I accidentally asked loudly, sounding slightly insane.

"What do you think?" Ruby said.

"No, that's Gemma's room. I'm asking you if there is a spare room. A fourth room." My hands began to tremble and so did my voice.

Ruby frowned at me. "Ellis, come on-" she reached her hand towards me.

"Don't touch me!" I pushed it away. Ruby looked pissed at this.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" I yelled, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"Because I knew this was how you'd react. It would have ruined the whole trip." Ruby sighed. "Gia needs us right now-"

"I don't give a fuck! You're trying to replace Gemma!"

"We need to move on! Gemma's not coming back, so stop acting like she is."

"It's okay, I'll leave-" Gia started.

"No!" Ruby and I both yelled at the same time, although for two different reasons.

I could not believe that Ruby knew the entire time and never told me, or didn't even asked for my opinion. The mysterious phone calls, all along they were with Gia.

I stormed into my bedroom, throwing clothes around as I tried to find my car keys. Ruby and Gia followed, watching me from the doorway.

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