37| South

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I STRETCHED MY arms up behind my head and inhaled deeply, taking in the fresh air. No, I wasn't on the edge of the Grand Canyon just yet. We were still at the bottom, gathered around a tour guide along with several other people.

I kneed Ruby's side in excitement as she tied her shoelaces and she suddenly grabbed my ankle, causing me to nearly stumble. Luckily, I stopped myself by grabbing her head.

"Alright, so when you guys are ready we will begin our adventure up the South Rim of the Grand Canyons!" The tour lady clapped excitedly and the everyone cheered.

Ruby and I sent each other looks.

"Right, so it might be a bit of a vigorous journey so if you need a break anytime just let me know." As everyone began to walk I felt excitement grow within me even more that I was practically bouncing up and down.

"Good luck," Ruby said to me as she passed me.

"Wait, aren't we gonna walk together?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well you better keep up if you want to."

"You don't know my capabilities. I'm actually a pretty good runner." I suddenly remembered the time I ran for my life after Ethan kidnapped me, and I shuddered.

Ruby's smile almost faltered completely, before she suddenly looked sympathetic. I was determined to not let that memory ruin my day.

"This is going to be good exercise, I haven't done any in way too long." I jogged ahead of her to catch up to the others.

"I mean, yeah it's good exercise but it's not like you need it." Ruby said, also jogging. We stopped when we were closer to the others than before.

Well, that is much better than being told the opposite. I gave her a toothy grin.

MY LEGS FELT like they were up in flames as we kept walking up a slope, but I was determined to beat Ruby who tried not to show that she was also in pain.

I was sweaty and she was glistening. There is a difference.

And by the looks of it, we were the only ones who were so exhausted. No one else had broken a sweat, and most of them were just chatting amongst each other while Ruby and I could barely breathe let alone talk.

"Do you two need a break?" The tour lady asked from the front of the herd. Everyone turned to look at us, making us feel even more embarrased.

I waved her off. "No, no, we're fine." I said. Maybe it was the competitiveness that was tiring us out. Why were we even being competitive?

Ruby took a sip of water before passing the bottle to me. As I drank, I tried not to get too excited over the fact that we were sharing a bottle. Competitive, but caring.

"We're almost there, folks!" The tour lady called. Everyone broke into excited chatter.

"Have you taken any pictures yet?" I asked Ruby, panting heavily.

"No time for pictures." Ruby huffed.

"True," I said.

Finally, to our relief, we made it to our destination with no break. The best view of the Grand Canyons. It overlooked the entire land.

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