20| That Feeling

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I WOKE UP with the left side of my face stuck to a leather seat. When I opened my eyes, I was introduced to a view of the lake, except everything was sideways. I furrowed my eyebrows. The sun was shining directly against my skin and I just knew that I would have an uneven tan.

I did not even remember falling asleep. I am also surprised that I hadn't fallen off the JetSki during the night. I shuddered just thinking about it.

I groaned as I slowly lifted my head, feeling mild pain as I peeled my face off the leather. I had fallen asleep straddling the seat, which was why my thighs and lower back ached.

Ruby was also fast asleep with her head leaning against the handle. A strand of hair covered the middle of her face and she looked peaceful.

I was so excited to get out of there. I knew that Gemma would be hungover in bed, completely oblivious to the fact that Ruby and I were missing. I bet she was distracted by Cody. My life never used to be this interesting until I moved here. I could finally tick off "become stranded on a JetSki for the night with the hottest person I know who happens to be of same sex and who also made a move on me" off my bucket list.

I waited for what felt like another hour until I saw people arrive to the lake. They were too far away to notice us just yet and were setting up their boat.

"Hey, wake up." I said, hoping that Ruby would stir awake by just the sound of my voice so I would not have to touch her. Her eyebrows twitched before she tried to roll over as if she were in bed. My eyes widened as I realized what was about to happen.

She jolted awake by the sensation that she was falling and instinctively I reached out and grabbed her by the arm, pulling her forward again.

"What the- What-" she was confused for a second about her whereabouts, but when she remembered she groaned.

"I wasn't supposed to fall asleep." She said drowsily.

I smiled sympathetically. "I would of been fine. I sleep like a rock." I assured her.

"Not for you." She snapped and I felt a tiny bit embarrassed for thinking it was about me. "I wanted to stay awake in case anyone came back. Guess they didn't."

I realized that I was still holding on to Ruby's arm and quickly drew it away. If the skin had not been covered in ink then red finger marks would of been visible.

I still could not forget the feeling of Ruby's hands on my body and her lips on my skin. I shuddered as the feeling came crawling back for a split second.

"What now?" I asked to distract myself.

"We wait some more. Eventually some people are going to notice us and we'll get them to take us to land."

"THANK YOU SO much. Seriously, thank you." I told the elderly man one last time as Ruby and I started walking towards the carpark. Land felt funny after having bobbled around on a JetSki for at least twelve hours.

"What's the plan?" I asked Ruby after we were far away from the man. 

"Gemma left her car here, but we don't have the keys. Or our phones." Ruby glanced down at her bikini-clad body. "Or our clothes."

"Maybe we could ask that guy for a towel?" I wondered, staring in the direction of the man who helped us. He didn't say much, and he also didn't wear much. His bright red speedo was almost blinding.

"I doubt it. He didn't look like he came with much. Besides, I didn't like the way he looked at you." Ruby muttered. I felt that feeling in my stomach again.

"Let's just walk down to some shops and get someone to call us a taxi."

Before Ruby could start walking I briefly grabbed her by the shoulder. "Wait, Ruby, I don't really wanna walk around like this." I looked down at my body.

"It's a hot day. No one will care." Ruby assured me. I sighed and gave in straight away.


As we walked, I kept complaining about Gemma under my breath. How could she forget about us? About me?

"Gemma's having it when we get back." I fumed, my arms crossed over my stomach to stop people ogling us through the safety of their tinted car window.

Ruby glanced at me from the corner of her eye. "Hey, go easy on Gemma." Ruby said and I scoffed.

"Aren't you even a little mad?" I questioned.

"It's not all her fault. If you should be mad at anyone it should be Jax and Sabrina. I'm pretty sure they were the only ones sober."

"But they don't know me, so I don't expect them to realize that I'm not there. Gemma always gets me into shitty situations." I kicked a pebble along the footpath. It rolled onto the road before a car drove over it.

"Like I said, go easy on her. She's not exactly in the best-" Ruby trailed off with a heavy sigh. "I know we've been keeping a lot of things to ourselves lately, but let's keep this one a secret too, okay?"

I narrowed my eyes. "No way. She needs to know what she did so that she can start thinking of us more. I'd risk my life for that girl but she won't do the same for me, not when there are boys around. I'm also going to tell her about Ethan, since that was also her fault-"

"Ellis! Shut the fuck up!" Ruby snapped. I quickly closed my mouth. "Don't say shit like that. Gemma fucking loves you. She would literally do anything for you- anything. Most of the time you're the one who gets yourself into these situations, not her! So please, grow up and stop blaming Gemma for all your mistakes."

Her words hit me like a knife going through my chest. I felt a lump form in my throat and my eyes began to burn. The last thing I wanted to do was cry in public, but I could not help it. She was right. It was me who was the shitty friend. I was the one making stupid decisions, not Gemma. She did too much for me.

Ruby's features seemed to soften as she noticed my reaction. I kept my head down to try and hide the fact that I was about to burst into tears at any moment.

She spoke gently. "Ellis-"

"No, you're right. I'm sorry. I just feel so evil. Gemma's done so much for me and- and I've been unappreciative." Thankfully, I managed to force the tears away and I swallowed down the lump in my throat.

"So, we won't tell Gemma and stress her out, alright?"

I had no choice but to agree. Another secret to eat at me for as long as I live. Great.


Absolutely shitty chapter but I was long overdue for an update! I'm so sick right now so that's why I took so long, also my exams are killing me! Next chapter will be up ASAP.


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