11| Busy Nights

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SOMEWHERE ALONG THE way, my training was dropped and everybody around me were running around like headless chickens. One second, Gia was by my side demonstrating to me how I was supposed to set every order down on my notepad, and the next second she had ditched me to tend to several other tables.

As I stood on my own, notepad in one hand and pen in the other, I wasn't sure if she had wanted me to work on my own. But when I was knocked by one of the other waitresses, a girl with black hair and boobs overspilling from her top, I knew that I had to get moving, especially since she gave me the sharpest look I had ever received.

I wandered over to a table that only had one man. He leaned back against the red leather seat and stared up at a dancer dropping low in front of him.

It looked like it would be an easy order so I was feeling confident.

"What can I get you?" I asked, preparing to jot down everything he said.

"A condom and empty room." He responded, catching me off guard. He then burst into laughter, and I joined him even though I was suddenly uncomfortable.

"Two jägers." He followed up and I nodded before walking over to the bar.

Ruby was not the only one working tonight, as it was so busy that they needed two other bartenders, except they were all men.

"Two jägers, please." I told Ruby. The only reason I went to her was because she was the closest and less busy than the other two, not because I knew her.

She stared at me as she pulled a handle down to expel the alcohol from the valve. I could smell it. In fact, the entire place smelled of alcohol.

"What?" I finally asked.

"How are you feeling?" She looked down to finish off making the drinks.

"Honestly, not as bad as I thought I would be. I think it helps knowing that he never actually touched me." I zoned out, remembering the night.

Ruby eyed me, looking like she felt sorry for me.

"What?" I asked again.

"I think you should get tested, just in case." Ruby said and I almost laughed.

"What? I'm pregnant by air? Like I said, he didn't touch me."

I grabbed the tray from the counter and carried the drinks back to the lonesome man. As I got closer to him, I was struck with worry.

Oh God. What if he did touch me? What if while I was passed out, he took advantage of me? Even if it only took ten minutes?

My heart started beating in my ears as I imagined being pregnant by the person who drugged me.

I couldn't worry about it now. I had to worry about it later and just do my job.

I choked back tears as I placed the tray on the table, receiving a quick thank you before I scurried off again.

"Ellis! Hey, sorry about that. Got really busy." Gia said as she caught up to me. I looked at her mournfully.

"Are you alright? You look pale." She pressed the back of her hand to my forehead.

"I think I need to go home." I told her truthfully. I was feeling extremely ill, and it wasn't from my hangover.

Gia nodded understandingly. "Alright, you need a ride?" She asked but I was already walking away.

"No, but do me a favour and tell Ruby that I already left." I shouted and she nodded before turning away.

As I walked out of the club, I pulled out the Uber app and requested a ride home. As I waited, I picked at my black nail polish, trying not to think about anything other than getting home.

But then I found myself trying to remember if I had felt any different down there after waking up, or other small details such as were my underwear still on my body and whatnot. However, my memory was blank and the only think I could remember was his name.

I saw a red SUV pull up and knew it was my ride. As I opened the backdoor, I was hit with the car heater and the smell of mint.

"How are you?"

"I'm-" I choked on my words and before I knew it, I was bawling into my palms.

"Shit. Is there anything you want me to do?" The driver turned in his seat and watched me with astonishment.

"J-Just please take me home, please." I hiccuped.

"Of course."

During the drive, I pressed my temple against the car window, feeling the vibrations. I had stopped crying, but every now and then I would let out a sniffle. Once we reached my building complex, I apologized to the driver and rated him five stars. There was no doubt in my mind that he rated me a one.

It was the first time I had been in the apartment alone, and I felt like I was free to do whatever I wanted. I collapsed on my bed, still dressed in my black raincoat, and checked the time. Eleven. I had only been working for three hours.

I tried to get to sleep, knowing that in less than six hours I had to be up to go to the airport. What was supposed to be a fun trip between Gemma and I was now going to turn into a miserable trip with me worrying every second and trying not to cry in front of her.

I did not sleep all night. I was wide awake when Gemma came home and I was wide awake when Ruby came home. When my phone alarm went off at four-thirty, I tapped it before it could even make a sound.

I went straight into Gemma's room, turning on her lights, making her groan and hold her pillow over her head.

"Get up, now." I demanded, walking out of the room. I was definitely not in the mood to be reckoned with, especially not by Gemma. She wasn't allowed to rudely wake me up without expecting it back. At least I didn't plan to spill water on her face.

As I walked to the bathroom, I noticed Ruby sat on the couch comfortably, eating potato chips straight out of the bag.

"You left early." She said, her eyes glued to the TV.

I gripped the doorframe to the bathroom. "Do you ever sleep? Are you a vampire or something?"

"Here's an answer; yes. Have fun guessing to which question." She said sarcastically, but I knew she was not in the mood to joke around, as if we ever did.

I packed two nights worth of items into a plain black gym bag, only to emerge from my room to see a white bedazzled suitcase waiting for its owner to drag it away.

I exhaled sharply through my nose.

"Gemma, that better be the only one." I said just as Gemma dropped a bag on top, attaching it to the handle.

"It's two nights. Barely. You don't need all that." I rolled my eyes and shoved past her to get to the door.

"What's up your ass this morning?" Gemma muttered under her breath and I snapped my head around so fast it could of killed me.

I slowly raised my finger towards her. "Don't you dare." I warned, and Gemma's confidence was crushed.

"We need to get there in the next half an hour, let's just go." I opened the door, exposing myself to the dark hallway. All the lights were off and I felt envious of those around me still sleeping.

"Ready when you are." I heard from someone I had least expected to hear from.

Please, no.

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