29| Work

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THE BACON SIZZLED and the oil began to pop, some of it landing on my skin and burning me. I backed away as far as I could while moving the strips around the frying pan with the spatula.

In a matter of minutes the entire kitchen and living room was crowded with smoke. I opened up all the windows and frantically waved a tea towel in the air. Thank God the fire alarm had not gone off, because that would have been embarrassing and our neighbours already did not like us.

I heard the creak of a door opening followed by footsteps departing down the hallway. Ruby watched me with tired eyes. She looked sickly pale.

"Good morning." I continued fanning at the air, pretending as if there wasn't a fire about to start.

Ruby squinted one eye as she watched me. She sighed. "Ellis, what are you doing?"

"I'm cooking breakfast." I dropped the towel and ran over to the bacon still frying. I could barely see it through the smoke and let out a chesty cough when I inhaled too much.

Ruby appeared next to me and turned down the heat. "You had it on way too high." She told me. As soon as the heat was on low the smoke subsided and the oil stopped exploding in my face. The bacon was beyond the point of crispy. It was black.

I dropped the spatula into the sink. "I just wanted a nice breakfast."

Ruby scoffed.

Her phone buzzed in her hand and she immediately walked towards the dining table, holding it close to her. I subtly watched her from the corner of my vision while I plated the scrambled eggs and assortment of fruit that were the only thing edible.

Ruby texted a reply back before placing her phone down flat on the table just as I walked towards her with two plates.

I wanted to find out if she would be leaving at 12, but there was no way I could just ask her. We were not at that level yet.

I coughed before clearing my throat.

"Hey, wanna do something tonight?"

Ruby did not look up from her eggs.

"Like what?" She asked with a mouthful.

"Like, like..." I thought for a few seconds, staring at the wall. "Like, see a movie."

Ruby smiled but it was not because she wanted to, it was because she found my attempt amusing.

"Nah." Was all she said.

"Why?" I frowned. Well, I wasn't exactly disappointed. I just wanted to find something out.

"I have things to do tonight."

"Like what?"

Ruby gave me a look as if she was trying to read me.

"Just stuff." She said warily.

"But like, what?" I was pushing it. I knew I was.

Ruby dropped her cutlery and leaned back in her chair. "You really wanna know?" She glared.

I shivered. The way she said it, like she knew it would affect me. I didn't even have the chance to answer her.

Hers (Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now