35| Road Trip

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I STARED AT her for several seconds, replaying her words in my mind.

"A road trip?" I asked, hoping I heard her correctly.

"Yeah, a road trip."

I almost laughed. "But when? And where would we go? And how for long?"

"Wherever you want, and for however long you want."

"But Ruby, I don't have a lot of money. I still have loans to pay, including yours-"

"Forget about that. You need to come with me. I can't do this alone."

I tried to hold back my smile but it was too powerful.

"Alright, fine." I pull my seatbelt over my chest. "But I'm not gonna forget about the loan."

Ruby rolled her eyes but she was smiling. She put on her black sunglasses. "Fine, only because I know you won't let it go."

The car pulled out of the parking lot and onto the busy street. "Where do you want to go first?" Ruby asked as she flicked on her indicator to make a left turn at the green lights.

"I don't know, you pick."

Ruby ignored that. "Think. Where have you always wanted to go?"

I stayed silent as I thought, but nothing was really coming to my mind. Plus, I was not sure what was considered too far away. I have always been completely hopeless at maps.

I decided to say the first place that came to my mind, even though I was not sure if it was possible.

"I wouldn't mind seeing the Grand Canyons." I said, wincing slightly as I braced myself for the moment Ruby would turn the idea down.

"Easy. And then where?"

My eyebrows jolted up. "Really?" I smiled like a child who just found out they were going to Disneyland.

"I've always wanted to go there, too."

I noticed Ruby missed the turn that lead us home, but I knew it was not an accident.

"Wait, we're going right now?"

"Yup," Ruby replied, popping the 'p', "unless you have a problem with that..."

"No, no problem." I got comfortable in my seat, preparing for a long drive, when I suddenly realized something. "Wait! I can't go like this!" I gestured to my shimmery booty shorts. "And what about my toothbrush? And shoes?"

"Looks like we'll just have to go shopping." I did not know why Ruby was going through this much length when she could just stop at home for ten minutes while we packed.

"I'm not ready." I said, suddenly feeling queasy. I liked to be organised for things.

"You need to loosen up a little. Stop worrying about things. Chill out."

I took a deep breathe in. Thank God we did not have any pets, otherwise that would have given me even more anxiety.

"Fine, I'm chill." I said. From the corner of my eye, I saw Ruby smile again. She has the perfect smile. I wish I could just grab her face and-

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