25| Red And Blue

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"I CAN'T DO this." I said as soon as Ruby pulled up into the building's private car park. The feeling of having to confront Gemma again made me want to vomit.

"She'll be happy to see you." Ruby told me, pulling out her keys from the ignition.

"Or she'll be pissed off that I'm back after I made such a huge scene about leaving." I opened the car door anyway. I was not about to throw another tantrum and act stubborn again.

"I'm pretty sure she'll be relieved, actually." I followed Ruby up to the elevator, where we rode up to the top level in complete silence. Once at the front door, Ruby was the first to walk in.

I wandered in behind her, feeling like it was the first time I was there. Nostalgia hit me as I remembered the day I moved in, not knowing what was to become of my life.

"And she's not even here." Ruby tossed her keys onto the sofa before collapsing on top. She sprawled out and groaned.

"I'm exhausted from chasing after you." She turned over to lay on her back, her hand rubbing her face.

"I'm exhausted from running away." I admitted, sitting at the end of the couch, right next to her legs.

She stared at me with a smile, as if she was thinking.

"What?" I wondered.

"Nothing." She said before yawning loudly.

"Where do you think she went?" I asked, feeling a light worry setting off. Did I upset Gemma so much that she does not want to even be home?

"Probably Cody's." Ruby answered, grabbing a throw pillow and holding it to her face to block out the light.

I found myself staring at her body, remembering the time she touched me. As quickly as the memory came, was as quickly as I shook it away. I was about to remind myself of who she was when I came up with a new opinion. Maybe falling for Ruby would not be a bad thing? Especially not after what I know about her.


"Mhm?" She seemed to be half asleep.

I bit my lips. "Is Rylan okay?"

This stirred her awake. She lowered the pillow off her face and squinted at me, inhaling deeply. "I don't know if a broken nose, two black eyes and several missing teeth is classified as 'okay', but if so, then yes. The dickhead probably got up and walked himself to the hospital."

The feeling of guilt had returned even though I thought it was gone for good. Ruby noticed my displeased look and sat up, her hair disheveled. "Hey, remember what I told you?" She suddenly held my hand, squeezing firmly.

I nodded. "Yeah."

She smiled, her hand moving from my own hand to my cheek. I had no idea what was about to happen, but adrenaline started pumping through my veins as she began to lean in, her eyes on my lips.

The feeling that I had been craving for so long was finally coming. But was I ready? Did I really want to possibly ruin this new bond I had formed with Ruby?

But the sound of the front door opening caused me to jump to my feet, my heart skipping several beats. Ruby seemed unfazed, not moving an inch from where she had sat.

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