42| Tea And Toast

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RUBY AND I stayed up and talked for a few hours about the most random topics before finally falling asleep. However, less than two hours later and her phone started ringing, waking us up.

"What's up?" I heard her say groggily into the phone. I rolled over to face her, still half asleep.

"Okay, I'll be there in ten."

"Who's that?" I asked into the pillow once she had hung up.

"Gia. She needs me to pick her up. Turns out she doesn't have enough money for a taxi or Uber." Ruby say up and pulled on her pants.

I stared at her smooth back as she bent down to pick up her clothes off the ground.

"I'll come with you." I said, also sitting up.

"It's okay, you can just go back to sleep." Ruby stood up as she pulled her jeans up her waist. I copied her, also getting changed. After all, I was still almost naked from our steamy session.

I felt the need to go with them because a part of me, although it was small, felt like maybe Gia would make a move on Ruby, especially if she was drunk. Or maybe the other way around.

"I'm wide awake now anyway." I placed my hoodie over my head.

"Okay but just a fair warning, she is pretty emotional when she's drunk."

She was right. As soon as Gia fell into the backseat, she burst into tears.

"I'm such a failure!" She slurred, her leg still sticking out of the car.

"Gia, you're drunk. Let's go home." Ruby said over her sobs. She sent me a look that asked me to help her, so I got out of the car, nightclubbers stumbling in and out of the building, occasionally staring at us. They probably thought that we were trying to kidnap her.

"Come on," I said gently, pulling her to sit up in the car, "I'll make you some food and tea when we get home." I said, hoping that would make her cooperate a bit more.

"What kind of tea?" She asked, staring at me with smudged makeup under her eyes.

"Any kind you want." I pushed her leg into the car.

As I sat back down in the passenger seat I huffed, earning a Ruby smile.

Last time I had been drunk, Gia had been sober and I remember feeling envious that she could be so classy while I was a sloppy mess.

"I'm so sorry!" Gia sobbed, hugging the back of my seat.

"It's okay," I cooed. I knew you had to be gentle when talking to drunks, because they were extremely delicate.

"No, I'm so sorry!" I had no idea what she was apologizing for, but I kept going along with it anyway.

I felt her poke at my neck, and I had no idea why until she said "what's that?" I pulled down the car mirror and took a look. There were a few red spots from where Ruby had sucked.

"Gia, put your seatbelt on." Ruby said as soon as she noticed what Gia was on about.

Thankfully, she got distracted. I turned around to watch Gia struggle to pull the belt over herself.

Once we arrived home, I went through with my promise and made Gia some tea and jam on toast. I brought it over to where she sat on the couch, bundled up in a blanket and still crying to herself. Unfortunately, Ruby had left me to deal with her myself.

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