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Eunha's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm and my mind was fuzzy as the last remnants of a dream being chased away by the realisation that it was daylight again.

It was another day of my hectic work life to keep me on my toes , but it was also a distraction for me to divert my attention from my painful break up , a strong reminder that i am independent and i needed no man in my life .

Reluctantly, i left my bed and went to wash up and put on my work clothes which was simply the work attire and some black long jeans .

I tied my hair up in a bun and pulled down a few strands of baby hair so i wouldnt look as bald , followed by applying a strawberry scent lip balm to prevent my lips from cracking .

Grabbing my bag , i left the house and walked down the streets , reaching my work place , "Coffee Express" .

Upon arrival, i saw some empty tables which were strewn with cups and packaging. One way or another , coffee or tea would have been spilt onto the metalic high tables as if the adults were trying to feed it .

I sighed , knowing that at the end of the day , i would still be the one who would clean up after their mess .

The wind chimes outside tinkered as the soft wind blows , creating a melodious one of a kind music for everyone . My partner in crime who works with me here , Minah waved to me , signaling me to go over to her .

Judging by her excited smile , she must have spotted another boy who she thinks is hot .

"Eunha , look at him , isnt he gorgeous ? He looks like he had just came out from a comic book !" She pointed at a boy who was sitting right at the corner , "i saw his name tag earlier on , i think he works in a law firm or something , his name is Kang Chul !" She stares at him in awe .

Poor boy , he doesnt even notice her , not even sparing her a glance .

I hit her back lightly and asked her to continue working as more customers were coming in , lining in an orderly manner .

After keeping my bag in my locker , i put on my short apron and tied it around my waist before plastering a smile on my face and getting my cloth to start cleaning the tables one by one .

I collected one cup after another , stacking them up like how people would stack pancakes and drizzle maple syrup up before walking back into the kitchen .

However , before i could have make it there , someone bumped into me and the cups fell onto the floor one by one , creating a huge mess , as well a loud and crystal clear sound .

Customers avoided the area and Minah came running up to me with a broom stick , shooing him and me away so that she could help me sweep the broken pieces .

My eyes met his and lost my temper . "You again!" I shouted , not caring about the fact that everyone was staring at us.

"You know , people always say , the customer is always right , and so , miss... Eunha ." He took a look from my uniform's name tag before continuing his sentence .

"I want to speak to your manager and i demand an apology . You gave me a slight anxiety attack , plus , you stole my plushy ."

"You stole my left slipper first." I shot back , obviously annoyed at him .

Minah gave me a weird yet confused look and held me back beside her ,whispering to me that she would handle it .

I watch as she bowed down continuously in my place and apologized to him , asking him to calm down and not notify the manager .

"I want your friend to apologize." He demanded and pointed his finger at me , giving me a cold stare in the face .

I was going to curse but by looking at the small crowd that had formed a moment ago , i smoothed my furrowed eyebrows before coughing twice . With a very small smile , i bowed down and apologized softly , before asking him to step out of the cafe with me for awhile .

"Mr bear pajamas , are you trying to get back at me ?" I gritted my teeth and he just smirked and patted my head .

"Seems like my neighbour isnt such a dumb hoe like i thought she would be . So what if i want to get back at you ?"

"And oh , please . I have a name, and its Yoongi oppa to you ."

He flashed a gummy smile and i couldnt control my fist , throwing it right in his face , causing his nose to bleed .

"Oops?" I shrugged and walked back into the cafe , helping Minah to clean up the mess .

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