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Eunha's POV

"Ahem, what do you want ." I shot a nasty glare at the person who was peeking outside of my house , as if he was looking for my room .

"Hmph , i need my bear back . " he groaned and gave me the same annoyed face . Does he even smile ?

"Why should i give it back to you ?"i challenged him and was still standing behind my door .

Instead , he made a move and pushed his way into my house . Unfortunately, i had lost my balance and slipped , shutting my eyes tightly , bracing myself for the impact of the cold hard ground , but instead , i landed on something soft .

Peering over , i saw that i was laying ontop of his chest and he looked all squished . Laughing , i played with his hair and giggled , leaning down even more , purposely putting more weight on his chest , suffocating him .

"Yah!" He shouted and pushed me off with all of his might and i landed on my butt , but he didnt seemed to care .

"Well , real life and drama is pretty different , dont expect me to fall in love with you and have an accidental kis—" i got shushed when he placed his index finger on my lips , softening his gaze .

"Now that you are quiet , you look way better ." He winks and went upstairs without my permission, leaving me speechless in my living room .

After composing myself , i shutted the front door and stomped upstairs , only to see him ransacking my room , flipping textbooks and pillows , trying to find his bear .

"Its not there !" I screamed and pulled him by his ear , earning a groan and a few slaps from him on my arms .

"You cant just barge into a girl's room like this, for heavens sake !" I nearly cried , looking at how messy my room was now , and my OCD* was kicking in .

OCD* obsessive compulsive disorder

With the corner of his eyes , he spotted his object on top of a pile of clothings and ran towards it , but i quicky stopped him .

With a red face , i spoke softly , " i have my ... clothes , I'll get it for you ."

"You know , im already 23, i know the things im supposed to . And , Eunha , i can assure you that i am not interested in the kind of things you wear ." He said and pushed past me , grabbing onto his teddy bear , living my house on his own.

Daebak . This man has such audacity to step into a girl's room without permission.

I shouted in annoyance , screaming into my pillow , punching the bed as many times as i wanted .

Afterwards , i started cleaning and making sure that everything was back into its original position , before deciding to not back down without a fight .

That day , i had decided to get my slipper back as well . I got out of my house and hopped on one foot , in attempt to not dirty my left feet .

Knocking furiously on his door , i was expecting him to stomp out angrily and shoot darts at me , however, he came out without any sort of weapon , or even a remote control to hit me , if needed .

"I know you came for your slipper , so just take it ." He didnt even bother to fight back and just threw out my left slipper towards a bush , slamming the door infront of my face .

"Stupid selfish asshole , i hope you fall at home !" I made sure to say it extra loud so that the message could be brought across to him , before walking off to pick up my slipper and put it back on .

As i kicked my slippers off near the shoe rack , i spotted a string of numbers on the back of the slipper.

Reading it out one by one , i had realised that it was his number.

Is this how he pick up girls ? I bursted out laughing but still took down his number , keying it into my phone .

Only to realise that i actually bothered to remember his name .


That night after bathing , as i was busy drying up my hair , i couldnt help but ponder about how i should phrase my first text.

I mean , he doesnt have my number, so he's probably waiting for me to start the ball rolling .

Whatever , A "hi" will do .I thought.

Not long after , my phone rang and instead of receiving a text . Seeing the caller id as " Yoongibear" , i sighed before picking it up .

"What do you want ?"

School starts tomorrow for me , hence one chapter update every 2 days .


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