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OMG- i feel really apologetic HABDJENFNDIE i havent been on wattpad since forever and my schedule is so full :'( im still currently entertaining guests in my hse although its a saturday morning . Sigh I WANT TO SLEEP. .

Lets just update for once

Eunha's POV

"Kiss him ? Why would i kiss him ?"

"Even if im dating him , i have the choice if i want to kiss him or not , and you dont call the sho—" my sentence got cut short when Yoongi pulled me closer , putting his lips against my own one .

He cheekily snuck in his tongue , exploring my mouth .

I pushed him away immediately and coughed twice , facing Mark once again .

"So , are you contented now ? Or do you want more ." I arched my eyebrows , challenging him but he looked defeated .

"Ok fine . I get it , you have moved on ."

"Dont you come back and touch her again , i swear I'll be a rapgod and create a diss for you on the spot ." Yoongi spat , glaring at Mark . For once , he looked kinda cool and swag , showing this side of him infront of me .

We both watched as Mark retreated and walked off , as i heaved a sigh of relief before smacking his chest a few times .

"Did you really have to stick in your tongue ?"

He just smirked and shrug at the same time , teasing me , " you know ... sometimes i just wanna show people my tongue technology, and it happens to be you . Hey , many girls would die if i did this to them ."

I rolled my eyes and tried to show how annoyed i was , but instead , my heart beat went twice as fast and it wasnt a good feeling then . I knew this feeling really well and its not a good sign .

I'll just have my heart broken again .

"Hey , whats wrong ." He nudged me and i fell slightly backwards , though he caught my arm again .

"N-nothing." I stuttered but he didnt believe , instead , he leaned in closer , " you sure ?"

"I swear your facial expressions changes really quickly , you know ?" He said before letting go and walking back into his apartment , leaving me alone on the street .

After what felt like forever , i finally unlocked the doors and threw myself on the bed , not bothering to shower and just sleep in the current clothes that im in .

Whatever , im a lazy girl and lazy girls gotta do whatever that  requires minimal movements .

"THE CHICKEN IS FLYING , I REPEAT THE CHICKEN IS FLYING!" I heard a male's voice shouting and i jumped out from my bed in shock .

Opening my eyes finally , i squinted and peeped through my window and looked at Yoongi's house , where the voice was from . I was positive that it wasnt his voice , so , was he having some guests over ?

Deciding to actually ignore it , i did my usual morning routine and sat down , munching on some cereal while scrolling through my instagram feed .

However , i had an incoming call .

"Hyung who is this Eunha girl ? Ive never heard of her before ." The same male voice said and i was puzzled , checking the caller id , i realised that it was Yoongi's number .

The line immediately went dead after i heard a loud crash .

In the end , ive decided to then pay him a visit , to see what is going on in his house .


After ringing the doorbell , the door immediately opened and revealed 2 unfamiliar faces , leading me to a state of confusion . Both of them just stated at me cluelessly , while i did the same as well .

After what seems like forever, Yoongi finally realised that i was here , as he pulled me in and made me follow him , avoiding the other boys i see in his house .

"Why are you here ? These guys are going to tease me so much , i—"

Before i could say anything , his friend who followed us at the back held my hand and placed my palm against his palm  , showing his rectangular smile , "hyung , look ! Her hands are so small compared to mine ."

"Hey , were you the one screaming about the chicken that flies in the morning ?" I asked curiously but trying to keep in my laughter .

"Chickens can fly !" He screams and the other guys just looked away , pretending to not know him .

"Hyung , so who is she ?" He asked at last , and i felt every pair of eyes staring at me , waiting for Yoongi , or me to speak up .


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