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"Hey baby girl.. wake up..."

"wake up before i kiss you."

"baby girl?"

i rubbed my eyes tiredly as i was poked on the sides of my stomach repeatedly and to be honest , it was getting on my nerves .

Groaning , i placed my pillow on my face , trying to shut my eyes once again , cherishing every second of my beauty sleep. However, that did not last long as the pillow was flung to the other side of the room aggressively by Yoongi .

"What time is it now ? Its not even dawn yet ."

"Its Four Am babygirl , its still very early you know ."

" I need to leave now , and as much as i hate myself waking you up in the middle of the night when you were sleeping so soundly , i need to do it . I wont be able to see you for quite some time ." He said softly , holding my hands in his.

"I... Its okay , we have technology now adays okay? We can always facetime one another , it would just be as if you were right beside me . Your career is more important now , i understand. " I said with a hint of sadness .

He pulled me into his chest , fingers combing through my hair while talking , " I miss you already . What do i do ?"

"I want to see you every morning , make breakfast for you. Give you loving kisses , go on dates..." He went on and on , breaking my heart alittle , knowing that it might be hard to just do these few simple things that normal couples would be able to do.

I was now wide awake , feeling my heart beating faster and faster , i just wanted time to freeze at this very moment . It feels like an eternal bliss to me then , when im in his arms , im safe from everyone .

i didnt want him to go .

" Can you please just stay with me ? Another five or ten minutes ?" i asked softly , shutting my eyes while still being in his warm embrace.

"I will stay with you until i watch you fall asleep again . Besides i was the one who woke you up , its only right for me to do this. "

"In that case , i wouldnt sleep . I want you around me , pabo yah ." I said stubbornly .

Instead of replying me , he layed back down onto the bed , pulling me down with him . tugging the blanket for me.

"Aigoo..." he says while stroking my head , as if he had casted a sleeping spell on me .

Slowly , i felt my eyelids getting heavier and heavier , and true enough , i fell asleep even before the ten minutes is up .



After seeing Eunha asleep , i quietly snucked out of her room , grabbing onto my items and leaving the house after one last glance .

"Yoongi , here ."

I looked up and saw that Jimin was standing infront of my apartment , waving at me . He slapped my back , " So , have you told her yet ? Did she cry or complain ?"

"She's a strong girl . she wouldnt cry . Thinking about our first meeting , she said that all boys were jerks , she doesnt like us . " I stuck out my tongue before entering my apartment and pulling down my luggage bag which Jimin gladly helped to put it in the back of his car.

"I miss her already and it hasnt even pass an hour , what am i supposed to do Jimin ah ?" I wondered aloud in his car and Jimin just let out a chuckle .

"When you get back to our dorm , you would realise that you have missed all the fun and games from us . We would probably be a huge distraction to you and you probably wouldnt have her on your mind for long. You know how it was for me previously , with my ex. It was bangtan over my girl . "

"Speaking of which , where's your ex now ? Did she contact you ?

"Nope . She doesnt give two shits about me anymore , neither do i . Its just sad to remember that we broke off because of the long distance . I hope it wouldnt happen to you and Eunha ."

I would make sure that it wouldnt happen , i promise.

I wont let Eunha out of my sight that easily.


BLESSING YALL WITH ANOTHER CHAPTER! i suddenly had the motivation to write after doing half of my homework !!

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