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Dengdengdeng heres the bonus epilogue that everyone has been anticipating! I hope that this was the chapter that you guys have chosen ;)


I stood beside my man , Min Yoongi , and he had his arms wrapped around my waist while we bid farewell to all of our guests . Our wedding was over and everyone was slowly leaving one by one .

Some of our fans stood outside the venue and have left gifts on the doorsteps , seeing them being so accepting of me made me feel very warm and fuzzy inside . I couldnt help but to hug each one of them tightly and made sure that Yoongi did it as well as a fan service .

"Ayyyy my man is finally married ! You are the first amongst all of us ! " Namjoon high - fived Yoongi and whispered something else into his ears which made Yoongi grow red in the face as he slapped his back .

"I would never do that , thats too dangerous for a position , you dumb hoe ." He defended himself and smiled at me which made me really curious .

"What did he say to you ?"

Jimin , on the other hand seemed to know what was going on and winked at me , " you know , these things are meant for guys to hear and discuss only because we gotta give our ladies a clean and innocent mind . "

He then received a slap on the back from Jin as he smiled sheepishly , " dont listen to this kid , all he talks about is just nonsense . Where did he even learn that from ?"

"From you ?" Jungkook and Taehyung high fived each other as they both said the same answer in unison , only to have embarassed the oldest .

" Tonight's the night where you can go full on on her , you do know that right ? Let out the wild beast and have fun . Oh , dont use protection cuz we wanna see some little Yoongis and Eunha running around soon ." Namjoon added before they all took off and ran for the door .

Yoongi looked at me embarassingly while mentally face palming himself , " they are weird . I promise , im not like them at all ."

"God , im going to pound in you so hard like never before tonight baby girl , be ready for it . We got some love to make . " He whispered into my ears before greeting other guests .

I gulped , feeling excited yet scared at the same time .
7 years later

"Yah ! Min Suzy come back here ! Where do you think you are going with your dad's neck tie ? If he finds out he's going to punish and scold you again !" I scolded Suzy , my 5 year old daughter as she ran around the apartment with her dad's necktie .

"Neh neh ni pu pu you cant catch me !" She squealed in excitement and continued running towards the front door to only see her dad standing there looking all tired .

Oh he must have came home from work now .

"Hey jagi im back . How's my little Suzy doin—? Ah , why are you such a naughty girl ! Always playing with my tie ? You know you shouldnt do that right ?" He said seriously and Suzy got scared as she ran towards me and hid behind my back .

She looks scared .
Is he going to spank her again ?
Damn he really loves to spank people

"Its okay , shes just trying to have fun . Loosen up alittle . You can go rest first while i prepare dinner for you , you must have been tired after work ." I took ahold of his bag and placed it neatly by his table . 

When i turned back and saw Yoongi with my daughter , Suzy was  being spanked while Yoongi was scolding her .

I knew it .

"You shouldnt touch other people's belongings . Why do you have such itchy fingers ? You should never play with your daddy's things , you understand ? "

"Hey stop it , she gets it now , shes crying !" I hurriedly brought Suzy into my arms and shooed Yoongi away which he did since he was pretty tired anyways .

"Mummy , why did you marry daddy when he always spanks me ? Does he still love me ? " she looked at me with big doll eyes and i softened at the sight .

" Offcourse daddy still loves you very much . He is just very tired and can get easily angered if he sees you playing around with his things okay ? Lets not do that anymore ? " i told her calmly while she pouted her lips and nodded obediently . "Okay mummy , i wont anger daddy anymore and I'll be daddy's good girl !! " she clapped her hands .

I watch as little Suzy walked towards her father with heads down as she took out a packaging from her pocket that looked pretty familiar .

"Daddy , i thought you were hiding such a nice sweet from me and i took it from you . I'll return it to you , im sorry daddy . But dont worry , i didnt open it yet ." She says as she handed him a yellow coloured packaging .

Both Yoongi and my eyes grew big and i almost had an heartattack .

Isnt that a fucking condom . Geez why didnt Yoongi put it at somewhere safer ?!

Yoongi hurriedly took the "sweet" packaging away from his daughter's hands and nodded , asking her to go somewhere else to play .

"Why was she holding onto my condom ? " He asked me while laughing .

Ah ~~~ official end !!

Will start a new work soon , do wait for it ❤️❤️


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