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Im back and i hope i wont be lazy for updates now ...
Previously ...

"I dont know which is perfect . The sand , the sea or you and me ."
I cringed deep inside but a part of me was lowkey enjoying her red tomato face .

Damn . I just love teasing her .

"Thats so cringey Yoongi , whats that all about ?" She giggled and splashed water on me .

I splashed back at her .

"Stop it !! Put me down !!" She screams .

"What if i say no ?"

"Yoongiiiiiiii!!!!" She shrieks and starts moving and kicking behind my back , slipping out of my grip .

"You make my heart slip and slide ." I winked and attempted cringey pickup line two .

She managed to successfully stand on her two feets on the shore and now she glared at me,ignoring my words , splashing water back at me in return as a revenge .

I dodged all her attacks and hugged her from the back tightly , not wanting to let her go.

"Be my girlfriend , Eunha "

Taking her by surprise , i lifted her petite body and she clung onto me like a baby koala .

"I think im drowning . I need mouth to mo—"

Thats right .

We kissed .

(Since its been so long!! )


"Stop it !"

"Im not doing anything though ."

"Stop being so cute !"

"Do you really have to go now ? " i looked at my boyfriend , Yoongi with puppy eyes .

He patted my head and nodded sadly , sending me into my own apartment before waving goodbye infront of the door .

"You know that i have the duplicated key . I can drop by whenever i want so you better not have any other boys around you , you got it ?!"

"Yes Yoongi ." I nodded and tried to hide a smile . I have been smiling the entire day and it doesnt make any sense . Im becoming my old self again , im starting to warm up to the feeling of putting my trust in a guy and is fond of the idea of having him around .

"Call me oppa."

"Thats too cringey"

"But okay , only for you , Yoongi Oppa." I said and blew flying kisses to him while waving goodbye . I couldnt help myself but to giggle at how cute he was .

I guess this may really end well and i hope we could last long . Its only our first day and everything 's sweet and all , but can it guarantee everlasting happiness ?

Afterall , you cant have a rainbow without a little rain . Theres bound to be ups and down and in a relationship but im praying , praying for a good and smooth one this time ...

Im ready to trust and love once again .
Min yoongi .
You are the one.

After taking a long hot shower , i blow dried my hair and made sure that it was dry before i actually lay down on my bed and start taking a good night rest.

"Ah i should send him a goodnight message." I said to myself before unlocking the password to my phone and entering kakaotalk, only to see that he was also online at the same time

"Food night babygirl"

"Ah fuck i meant good night."

"Why are you even cursing ?"

"You should get used to my cursing though . Remember the way we talked when we first met ? Hahahahaahahahahahhaahhhahaahhaahahhaahhaahahhaahah"

".-. "

"What is that suppose to mean."

"Thats u."

"Thats how you look like on a daily basis . I even have photos of that . "


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"Stop stalking my fanpages"

"Why not ? They have such quality photos of you ."

"I want you to see me face to face instead. Nothing beats that kekekekekeke . Oh yea , i got to sleep now , i have training tmr . Good night babygirl 😘😘 "

"Good night yoongi 💓"

Ah what did i do in my past life to get a boyfriend like him !?!?

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