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Double update !!

Enjoy ❤️


"Let Mark go . Dont have him as their manager . Thats my one and only request . "

"Why do you detest Mark so much ? That boy has some serious managing skills here , he can do his job well , i dont see why i should let him go . " he asked curiously and everyone was still silent, anticipating what i would say next .

"To be honest , i used to date Mark . Way before i knew Yoongi , or even bangtan boys . Pshh , i didnt even knew this band till I sorta found out through my friend and attended one of their fanmeets unknowingly . Mark is a lying hoe . He can be very good at lying , damn he covers everything so well . You may think im doing this out of anger or perhaps for the sake of revenge , but i can assure you that im not going to stoop so low . "

"Eunha , i really wasnt cheating , i promise . I still love y—" i slapped him hard on his face , causing him to feel a stinging sensation and therefore shutting up .

A few of the members let out a small laugh but tried to keep a serious face , however , Taehyung was struggling with it . Geez , these boys ...

"Please find them another manager and not Mark ... he was the one who started the rumour of Yoongi and i dating . He started the scandal , he was the cause of all these . If he was a good manager , he would have given advices instead and not release articles that he himself would have known that would do some damage to the band's name ."  I said , trying to convince him .

"Bang pd nim , he isnt exactly a good manager! He always scolds us and abuses the younger ! He pinches my ears and would cuss at me . What kind of manager does that ?" Jungkook said and the rest agreed in unison .

Bang pd nim looked at Mark and asked if it was all true and Mark denied it , but his eyes were implying that it was true instead .

"Look at him in the eye and talk , you dumb fucktard ." Yoongi cursed and smacked his back .

"Fine , i did all that . Just because they werent behaving well ."

"I only believe in having staffs that are caring and willing to work towards the good of the company. Thats why our company has so little staff and we solely focus on bangtan . I want our company to be a cozy one that everyone is treated equality and fairly . I dont care if you were the son of my friend or whatever the sort , i want you out of this company after today . "  he spoke and Mark looked really angry , storming out of the room .

All eyes were on me , as if i was expected to show some reactions as well .

Instead , i let out a small bitter smile and bowed down to everyone of them , locking eyes with Yoongi till the very end .

"Thank you all for the wonderful memories though they were short . Thank you for having me over to experience a love life with an idol as a late fangirl . Thank you for being my friends and giving me a second life , afterall all i knew was how i shouldnt trust boys and all i did was work .  Thank you Yoongi for loving me so so much , i swear , i would never exchange the world for you , i — "

Before i could even continue , my eyes were filled with tears that were threatening to fall . All the small memories and flashbacks kept coming into my head . Those laughters and teasings , those few months of happiness and those nights of cuddling .My tears betrayed me and trickled down from my eyes and soon before i knew it , i made a dash out of the room , running straight for the exit of the place .

I ran to the nearest toilet and looked at myself in the mirror— i looked like i was in a terrible state of mess and i looked like the complete opposite of the definition of being organized .

Thats it , cry it all out .
Cry it out , Eunha .

Everything will be fine . 
I told myself and squatted down , having darkness engulf me for a few moments as i let my emotions take over me .

I was filled with sadness and much regrets , as i didnt managed to finish thanking them all . I wanted to let them know how much they meant to me though we werent close . I didnt have many friends to begin with and who was i kidding ? I am straight up emotionally attached to them .

Especially Yoongi .

That night , i woke up out of a sudden despite consuming a few sleeping pills as i couldnt sleep well at all .

Looking back at the clock , i saw that the time was exactly at 2 Am and that my window was still left open as if i was lowkey expecting Yoongi to hop in and rap me to sleep , to hold me close .

2 Am was such a magical time for me , an escape from reality , the time where holding and kissing Yoongi felt right .

I shouldnt be feeling this way still . He needs to go far away from me . Im a distraction to him and im a burden to the group . Im toxic for the company and the fangirls would hate knowing my existance . Thats right , go to sleep Eunha ...

This is all just a sweet sweet sweet dream .
And once when i wake up , he will not exist .

I lied to myself .

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