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I've met Krystal from F(x) the other day when she came to Singapore . She was so pretty .



Jimin was right .

Well ,

—Half right .

It was true that Bangtan was a huge distraction to me but he didnt get the other claim correct . I couldnt stop thinking about her .

Eunha was always on my mind .

Whenever i ate , i thought about her , worrying that shes isnt eating well without me . Whenever i slept , i thought about her ; she doesnt have anyone around her to hug her to sleep and her nights are always lonely . Whenever i practiced my dance , i imagined her standing beside me , dancing along and we end it with a kiss on the lips .

Up till this point , i was wondering if i was really sane and how did i actually manage to live by a week without seeing her ?

"Hyung ."

"You have an incoming call ." Jungkook smiled cheekily and handed me my phone and the first thing i noticed , was the heart shaped emoji beside the caller's name .

In my entire contact list , there was only one person who had that label .

It was Eunha .

"Hello ? I missed you ." I could hear her taking in a deep breath across the line and i immediately responded to her ,

"Hey babygirl , one week has flown by huh . I missed you more than you missed me , im sure about that . "

There was a deafening silence between the both of us although both of us wanted to talk to each other so badly .

It was so sudden that she called that i didnt know what to say . There was just so many things that i wanted to tell her but nothing was coming out from my mouth .


"Fuck the rules and dating policies , lets meet up babygirl . I have to see you today . I'll text you the address , lets just meet now ." I ended the call and sent her a address of a nearby restaurant , preparing to meet her today after my practice .

The others looked at me and nodded with understanding , " we will just tell the manager that you arent feeling well , we got you covered ." Namjoon said and attempted to wink , but instead , he blinked with both eyes , making everyone burst out laughing .

I thanked him silently in my head and ran out of the practice room back to the dorm that was located only a building away . 

Entering the dorm , i quickly hopped in for a five minutes shower and freshen up , putting on a back tee and a pair of black jeans before rushing out to the location that i had initially sent her .

<dang they look good and p

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<dang they look good and p.s. Ik this is a old picture but mmhmm they look hella fine>



I looked up and saw her all dressed up nicely for me . She was wearing a white sundress and had curled her hair to one side , showing off her milky white skin that was the same shade as mine .

"You look stunning today , Eunha ." I complimented her and loved how she starts fiddling with the ends of her hair while her cheeks gets rosier and rosier by the minute . Her perfume was light yet strong enough for me to smell , an addictive scent to be honest .

"You look not too bad either ." She giggled and looked down , making small and short eye contact with me . It has only been a week but she has already gotten all shy around me .

I laughed .

"Shall we order now , my lady." I teased her by winking and shooting arrows to her heart , things that no one would even see , unless its for my beloved Army fans or her .


That day we walked down the streets hand in hand , though Eunha insisted that i put on a surgical mask to at least cover up my nose and mouth , so that i wouldnt be that easily identified .

We have received a few stares and fingers pointing , some girls even shouted my name but i didnt care about them . I didnt want them to interfere with our small date .

I had many things in store for later on.

"Eunha , lets go to the beach today . " i suggested and she nodded. I couldnt stop grinning , thinking about the cringy things that i might say to her later on .

Just by imagining her cute reactions made my heart flutter more .

When we reached the beach , i immediately carried her and threw her over my shoulders , running into the crystal clear water with her screaming .

"I dont know which is perfect . The sand , the sea or you and me ."
I cringed deep inside but a part of me was lowkey enjoying her red tomato face .

Damn . I just love teasing her .

"Thats so cringey Yoongi , whats that all about ?" She giggled and splashed water on me .

I splashed back at her .

"Stop it !! Put me down !!" She screams .

"What if i say no ?"

"Yoongiiiiiiii!!!!" She shrieks and starts moving and kicking behind my back , slipping out of my grip .

"You make my heart slip and slide ." I winked and attempted cringey pickup line two .

She managed to successfully stand on her two feets on the shore and now she glared at me,ignoring my words , splashing water back at me in return as a revenge .

I dodged all her attacks and hugged her from the back tightly , not wanting to let her go.

"Be my girlfriend , Eunha "

Taking her by surprise , i lifted her petite body and she clung onto me like a baby koala .

"I think im drowning . I need mouth to mo—"

Thats right .

We kissed .

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