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Double update cuz my camp is coming soon and i wouldnt wanna miss updating again !!

"Hey , cheer up." I nudged him but he still had the blank look on his face .

"Im so stress these days i dont even know what to do . I cant possible tell my members all these and burden them , i only have you to talk to . " he leans on top on my legs , though there was a blanket inbetween.

"You also saw how successful my group has gotten with the song , its impossible to find a girlfriend like this . "

"You would find her one way or another , dont you have those high - touch event things ? I mean , treat it like a blind date , if you think shes your type , give her your number and she will call definitely." I said .

"I dont want to date girls just because they are pretty . I want the girl to understand who i am and someone who brightens up my day . The one who i can cry to and find comfort in ." He admits and played with my hair .

"You know what , just sleep . Sleep all your troubles off ."

"I cant sleep ! My parents wants me to bring a girl over next week but i have nobo— , hey can you accompany me there ?" He asked , eyes shining under the moonlight that was reflected into my room through the window .

"If im free , i mean why not ? But in exchange you gotta promise me to stop treating me like a pile of dogshit , you hear me ? " he nodded silently before closing his eyes for a second .

But who knew , a second became a minute and a minute became hours. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The room became silent once again .

When i woke up , i realised that Yoongi was long gone and that i had a blue sticky note pasted on my forehead .

Taking it out from my forehead , it read ,

" thanks for yesterday , but i gotta leave first for my work again . Ill swing by tonight at 2am , i hope you would be awake still.

Btw , your bed is really soft .

-yoongi "

I unknowingly let out a small smile before hopping off from bed and washing up , preparing myself for another day of work .

Running down the streets to my workplace , i met Minah who looked every energetic and happy today , she couldnt stop babbling about BTS and how hot her Jimin had looked .

Sigh , even though she is my best friend , i couldnt expose me knowing Yoongi on a personal level to her . She would freak out and camp at my place for the rest of her life ,and i wouldnt want that .

"Lets just get to work okay ? I need my money ." I told her and put on my apron , basically starting my cleaning and serving duties once again .

*magical time skip to midnight again cuz ik thats what yall want !!*

This night , i had made sure that i was properly clothed and had cleaned up my room , before Yoongi dropped by .

Well at exactly 2 am in the morning, i heard a knock at the door and i immediately opened it as fast as i could , greeting him and allowing him into my house .

"Hey ." He says before slumping down onto my beanbag chair at the corner of my room .

"Hey ." I said and played with my fingers , realising that it was kinda awkward now that none of us is exactly talking , and that we were just looking into each others eyes .

"So." Both of us spoke at the same time .

"You can go first ." He says and so i coughed twice , before talking.

"Hows your work today ?"

"Oh erm it was great , we performed two stages and the reaction was pretty good . Our albums sales rised and the amount of fans we had tripled ." He let out a grin , happy at the thought about it .

"How about you ? You worked at that cafe store down the road , dont you ?"

I nodded , " you know , my best friend Minah who works with me  . Shes a fan of you guys and the one who dragged me there to the high-touch where i saw you . Hmm , she was really happy today and cant stop talking about yall , it's really hard to pretend as if i didnt know you guys . "

"Whos her bias ?"


"Then whos your bias?"

"Maybe you are ." I replied , looking straight into his brown eyes .

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