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"You are so sly . " I pouted and Yoongi laughed .

"I see that you have gotten my little message through twitter huh. " He ruffled my hair and i nodded  , giggling .

"Duh . It was so obvious. But geez did you see all the other fangirls on the comment and retweet section ? Many of them took photo of themselves in their black dress and sent it to you ! They were all so much prettier than me too ."

His fingers ran through my hair as he let out a small chuckle , " baby girl i didnt know that you could be jealous over something so small like that . Its cute to see you like this . Ah ~ i still cant believe that you are mine ."

"Give me a kiss on my lips ." He requested and closed his eyes .

Just before i was about to lean in , the door swung wide open revealing the other members all crowded together looking at us with big eyes and a hint of pink on their cheeks . I couldnt help but laugh and feel embarassed at the same time . With my hands , i fanned myself and at the same time , i lied down on Yoongi's chest for them to see jokingly .

Yoongi heard the sound of the door opening and had his eyes wide open before face palming himself , " you guys .. are you serious ? You cant even trust us , just this little bit ?  Im not like Jungkook whos still a fetus and is new to all these . I know my shits . "

"Yah hyung ! Im 20 and i know the things that im supposed to know . I know what sex is and also what guys and girls do alone . I also know about the difference between a peck and a kiss ." Jungkook defended himself and Jimin smacked his back agreeing along .

"Jin and Namjoon hyung were the ones who taught us.They were the ones who said that the difference between a peck and a kiss is the presence of tongue ."  He said innocently but he had flirty eyes ,  so i couldnt help but to see him as someone who is the exact opposite of innocent . He seemed like the dirtiest member around here . However , since i had done some research on the internet before , i know that Namjoon was the dirty fellow here .

" Can all of you get out ? I want my alone time with my baby girl . " Yoongi said with a straight face but the others didnt listen , instead , Hoseok and Taehyung came into the room and dragged me off with them back to the practice room , leaving Yoongi inside .

Later , everyone came out and they had decided to play games together instead since my visits here were quite rare .

"Lets play blind mice . " Hoseok suggested but Yoongi quickly disagreed , " Im not going to let any of you touch Eunha  . Its not a game for both boys and girls to play .  Its a no from me . " 

"How about a game of charades ? Whoever 's team that could have the highest number of guesses correct would win.  We can split ourselves into teams of 4 . Since Eunha is here , we have an even number of participants. It all works out well ."  Namjoon stepped in and suggested . All the other members nodded and agreed in unison as we began preparing some cue cards and various words written on it.

However , before we even started the game , the door opened and revealed Mark standing furious .

"You guys should be dancing and practicing, not play some children's games ! Why is Eunha here ?! Did i say that girls were allowed here ?" He furrowed his eyebrows and folded his arm , showing disapproval.

I caught his one second of a small smirk at me and rolled my eyes .

"Dont play dumb with me you two . I know that you two are dating and you both know that if the fans know , they will freak out . "

"Wait ... were you the one who posted about the rumour of us dating and the photo then? You were planning this all along , didnt you ? You wanted to break us apart , you wanted Eunha back ! You bastard !  "  Yoongi threw the first punch and made sure that it had hit Mark's face while he quickly returned it with a kick around my stomach area .

I watched in horror as Yoongi looked really really furious  , he did not stop but continued to throw punches and kicks at Mark while both of them winced in pain , gagging even . They stumbled apart for a brief second to catch their breaths before diving back at each orher , eyes narrowed and locked on each other .

"Guys , cut it out ! " i shouted and Jungkook attempted to pull them apart , however , he was pushed away as well .  Fortunately, he landed a few metres from the chairs ser up not far away and did not injure himself  . The other members helped him up and Namjoon decided to step in alongside with Jin .

Yoongi looked weaker and weaker by the moment after receiving a strong punch near his groin  . He crouched down in pain and obviously he was fighting a losing battle .

"Guys ... Yoongi ... stop it ...please . " i cried.

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