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Short update today :D

Yoongi's POV

When Mark and Eunha both left the practice room , the members came up to me one by one and started bombarding me with questions.

"Why did Mark ask that question if he was the one who dated Eunha ? "

"What do you know about the both of them ?"

"Hyung are you dating Eunha?"

I gave them a stone cold face and just remained composed , thinking of how i should actually reply to them . After thinking for a minute or two , ive decided to spill out everything that had happened on the first day when i met Mark .

"Mark was waiting for Eunha outside of her house , and when he saw her , he wanted her to forgive him and be his girlfriend again . But then Eunha didnt wanted to , and so she was being harassed by him , and being a salvage me , i threw a stone from one of my potted plants decorations down and i helped Eunha by pretending to be her boyfriend . We kissed that nigh—"

"You two kissed ?!" Jungkook clenched his fist and jumped around crazily like a insane kid who ate too many candies along with Taehyung .

"Stop acting like babies guys , Yoongi is already getting old , he should already be fu—" Namjoon butted in the situation and Jin laughed like a window wiper .

"We kissed because we wanted to chase him away . " i finished my sentence .

"Hyung , have you confessed yet ?"

"I did , indirectly . She said that she had feelings for me too , but everything's just so confusing . All of us know that if any of us start dating , fans would be devastated and then they would start leaving one by one . But at the same time i want to date her and have her by my side , but all these ridiculous articles would start popping up one by one —"

"I dont even know what Eunha and I are . Are we even considered a couple if i hadnt asked her to be my girlfriend ? " i wondered aloud .

"You should bring her out for a date you know , like on a weekday , cuz theres lesser people out there on the streets . Or maybe you can call up a restaurant and have things specially prepared for the two of you and you guys can have a candlelight dinner . You can confess properly there and claim her yours , i bet she would accept you without thinking twice !" Hoseok giggled at the end and clapped his hands loudly , feeling proud of his idea .

"Thanks , your the man, bro ." I high - fived Hoseok and he returned it .

Mark's POV
Who knew that i was watching the boys all along ? Since im the manager now , i was in charge of them , and i had managed to place a security surveillance camera in the practice room before hand.

So that boy isnt dating Eunha ? Does that mean that i still have a chance to woo her back ?

I tapped my fingers on the desk that i was sitting infront of , thinking about what i should do next , hopefully ruining Yoongi before he could actually make a move .

"Well ... lets start with some scandalous scandals ."



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