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Eunha's POV

Three days later , i was back at work with Minah , sweeping the floor and clearing all the trash , wiping tables for a living . It was just like any other days , boring .

"Hey have you heard BTS 's new song ? Its amazing !" Minah nudged me excitedly but i just shooked my head , " whos BTS ? Oh wait , i think my neighbour had mentioned it before ."

Minah looked at me with her jaws dropped , shocked at what i had said .

"BTS isnt "it" its a boy band !" She scolded.

"Damn it , where have you been Eunha ? I'll play the song after the current song in this shop ."

I nodded and continued sweeping , however i accidentally dropped my broom when i heard the familiar tune to the next track playing in the shop .

Minah started dancing away and singing the parts while clearing the trash and cups , winking at me .

"Arent their voices just lovely ?"

A sudden realisation struck me as my mind started playing a flasback .

"Who are you then ? "

"No one . I am no one that you should know . Because , if you do , i will need to move again ." He replied even faster then before , drinking one shot after another , as if he was trying to get drunk .


Isnt this song the one that Yoongi had played for me ?

Is he in this band ?

Will he move away if he knows that i know now ?

I had a million of questions in my head , and i knew that if i wanted the answers , i would have to ask the man himself , however , if i actually do , he might need to move .

"Ugh." I groaned , feeling confused as of what i should have done . In the end , i had decided to pretend that i didnt know anything at all , and head home after my own work shift , getting a good night rest .

Little did i know , the moment i reached my own doorsteps , i saw a familiar figure , but it soon dawned upon me that it was my ex boyfriend , Mark . 

As if he already knew i was standing there , a few metres from him , he turned around and stride towards me .


His dulcet tone embraces the air like the evening perfume of night flowers , instantly making my legs go weak as the past memories all come back to me clearly .

"Dont come any closer to me ." I warned him , trying my best to give him a glare , but instead , my gaze softened when he placed his left hand on my cheek .

He didnt hesistate to give me a kiss on my cheeks , greeting me like how he used to and everything felt perfect again .

Under the illuminating moonlight , the street lamp was shining above the two of us , casting a shadow on the concrete ground .

We looked like a perfect couple , but there was a gap inbetween the two of us , giving a clear gap of separation.

And that was how things were supposed to be .

He pulled me in for a big teddy bear hug as he combed his fingers through my hair , saying words of apologies .

I pushed him away harshly and squeezed back the tears that were threatening to fall , " Mark , we are through, and thats that . Its the end , dont come back and haunt me emotionally like this please ?"

He looked hurt , but not defeated , instead , he grabbed my hand and interlocked our hands together .

"If your heart still sways around me , that means i still have a chance to win you back ."

"I missed you . I missed us ." He admitted , looking straight at me in the eyes .

"How about Samantha ? I thought you loved having her in your bed , cuddling with her  ? Kissing her and fucking her behind my back ?" Words came out of my mouth in a long string , having mixed feelings about this situation . I was still annoyed , angry and disappointed.

"Shes just a fling , you know , i still love you . And i always will ."

"I hate you , Mark . I dont have any feelings for you anymore , its time for us to move on . "

"I dont want to , i still love you!" He shouted , applying more force on my arms , paining me .

"Let go of me right now , it hurts !" I screamed .

"Ouch!" I heard him let out a small yelp as he massaged his head , he looked up and screamed , " what is your problem, dude !"

Following his gaze , i saw Yoongi standing by the balcony , holding onto his flowerpot which had a few stones in it .

He smiled cheekily at me and carefully placed down his flower pot before getting out of the house .

"You two are too noisy, if you dont mind , can you couple - fight somewhere else ?"

Think , Eunha , think ! Think of something to get rid of Mark !i thought .

"Mark , this is my new boyfriend , Yoongi ." I said loud and clear .

"I am ? " Yoongi asked softly , but immediately coughed twice , " i mean , yea , i am her boyfriend ."

"I dont believe it . You cant move on so fast from me ." He looked jealous .

"Babe." I sweetly said and pulled Yoongi nearer towards me , " dont we look like a couple ?"

"I still dont believe you . " Mark folded his arms .

"If you are really dating him , why not kiss him on the lips to prove it to me ?" He arched his eyebrows and challenged me .

Next update would be on the 11th :)

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