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Eunha's POV

"Yoon—" i nudged the still asleep boy who had his arms around me .

"Its already 8 and you are still in bed , with me . " i shrugged him softly , trying to wake him up . However, he tightened his grip on me and only hugged me tighter .

"I know . And i dont plan on leaving you . "

"No not today." His deep raspy morning voice was so rough and sexy at the same time .

"You cant , im not supposed to be a distraction for you okay ? You have to leave now , for work , for your fans and most importantly, for your teammates . They are probably waiting for you right now — i cant be selfish . Come on , get up ."

"They'll understand , you'll see ." He hushed me and gave me a peck on my cheeks , before shutting his eyes and getting a few more minutes of sleep again , snuggling close with me .

I sighed , but let it be , enjoying the extra minutes that we are having , to well— cuddle .

Who knew , a minute , became an hour, and soon it became a few hours . By the time we were both up , it was already noon and needless to say , I've skipped my work and might have a chance of getting fired .


"Baby girl, i know , i know . You're going to nag at me again — chill okay ? I'll just go back to my house and change , then I'll bring you to my entertainment . The guys arent doing much today , thats why ive decided to slept in . "

"Afterall sleeping is my hobby and i wish to be a rock in my next life ." He joked and left my bed , heading back to his apartment .

Rubbing my eyes , i took out casual wear clothings to the toilet and decided to just shower and wash up at the same time , standing infront of the showering head , rinsing everything at once .

After patting myself dry , i slipped into my comfortable jeggings and a plain white tee , hopping out of the shower room and proceeded on to dry off my wet hair .

By then , Yoongi was already inside my room .

"How did you manage to slip in to my house without the house key ?"

"Simple — i took your keys and ran back and forth . Hehe ." He shrugged and pulled me towards him , grabbing onto my pink towel , asking me to turn around and backface him .

"You can just do your makeup now , I'll help you dry your hair ." He says while massaging into my scalp, drying all those wet roots.

Since i was a simple girl , it took me less than 5 minutes to just apply whatever's that's necessary on my face .

"Lets go now , shall we ?"

"And heres our practice room ." He guided me towards the room thats on the far end as he pulled open the door as well .

I watch as all the members were all sprawled on the floor , eyes glued to their phones .

"Ahem ." Yoongi coughed once , and everyone sat up straight properly , some even standing to greet me .

"Oh hi Eunha , long time no see ." Taehyung cheekily smiled and winked at me , which caused Yoongi to roll his eyes .

"I brought her here so i could watch her , shes not for you guys to see . Lets practice now ." He said cooly , walking towards the radio and pressing the play button of their song , "run " , the song that would follow up "i need you" .

<lets just pretend its still that era for now . a/n>

All of them were giving their upmost best to keep up with the tempo and obviously it was quite challenging as i spotted a few slips from Jin and Namjoon .

I made sure to pay attention to Yoongi and i smiled each time he smiled at me , ensuring that i was actually — well , looking at him .

When the song finally ended,a few claps could be heard and i watch 3 figures entering the room , 2 new ones and 1 face that i hated the most.

"Guys , i have news for you . Please greet Mark Tuan here , he will be your new manager for a month as your current manager's wife has just gave birth and he needs to attend to her for quite some time . " this man i assume , the incharge of the company said.

"But sir — he's literally our age , how can he manage over the seven of us ?" Yoongi looked very pissed , about to explode .

Looking back at Mark , i could see his smirk which he was trying to hide so badly , but failed .

"Don't underestimate him though , i have heard many good things about him from his father whos a friend of mine . I believe he would be a good substitute here ." The same man defeated him.

"Eunha , we meet again ." Mark then flashed a smile at me .

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