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Eunha's POV

I woke up again , to another post it note on my forehead .

Pulling it off from my face , i read it with a frown on my face , but it was quickly replaced with a small smile , as i read till the last words of his .

"Baby girl , it was nice having you in my arms , but im sorry , im sorry that i had to let go of you everynight when you are still asleep , im sorry that you cant wake up to this face of mine . I promise ill be back soon again tonight , wait for me . Ill see you soon . 

:')  2am  "

Telling myself that it wasnt a dream , i leaped off my bed and slapped myself awake , dragging my tired feet to the bathroom for a washup just like any other days .

After changing and clothed properly for work , i passed by the kitchen table and unexpectedly spotted a plate of pancakes and also an empty glass , with another note stuck on it .

The milk is in your refrigerator and remember to eat the pancakes that i had made for you .

:) yoongi

I placed the plate of pancakes into the microwave for one minute , heating it up and while waiting , i poured the milk into the glass , leaving it on the counter table .

Sitting on the high chair , i ate the pancakes deliciously and scrolled through my instagram feed . Deciding to follow a few fan accounts for BTS , i searched for the top few accounts which are very active , so that i can get the latest news and updates about them .

Unknowingly , i started smiling when i saw a few selfies of Yoongi , or him simply in the background sleeping . Hes actually cute , i thought .

"Minah~~" i happily called for her name after pushing open the doors of the cafe ,greeting her .

"What happened to you?did something good happen last night ?" She wiggled her eyebrows , implying something else .

"Nothing much ." I shrugged but still kept a smiling face , but instead i got tackled down by her hugs , "you cant blame me for having a pervertic mindset, so come on , tell me . What happened last night ?"

"I told you , nothing of that sort happened ! Its just — nothing . " I insisted and blew my bangs upwards , acting alittle pissed .

She finally let go of me and both of us immediately started cleaning the tables again , serving countless of customers .

Telling and reminding myself that i get to see him again tonight , he became my motivation for the day and i was more energetic than usual .

"Welcome to coffee express ! " i shouted alongside with Minah each time the bell of the door rang , indicating that we had a new customer .

I immediately ran towards the counter and was readying myself to help take orders from the customer when i realised that something was amiss .

The male customer pulled down his black sunglasses and i immediately recognized those sets of brown eyes , those eyes that i see glimmering underneath the night sky these days , those eyes that are so attractive to me .

Those eyes that belongs to Yoongi .

"Hi ." He spoke and i felt as if there was an electric surge in me , " Hi Yoon— . Ahem— Sir , what orders do you want?"

"I want you ." Though he was wearing a black mask across his mouth , but i could tell that he was smirking alittle, purposely teasing me .

"Funny .But , sir what do you want ?"

"Just any latte you recommend please , surprise me ." He winks before handling me some cash .

I nodded and took note of his order , keeping the exact amount of cash into the cash register before proceeding to making some latte for him .

"Come back again ." I said , handling him the drink before he turned around , putting his black sunglasses back into place .

"See you tonight ." He said softly just enough for me to hear before waving goodbye to me , leaving the shop .


"Mmhmm?" I looked at Minah , as she nudged me .

"My army instincts are telling me that that boy earlier on was Yoongi . Tell me , whats going on between you two ?"

Shit .

2 a.m. | MYGWhere stories live. Discover now