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Eunha's POV

"What do i want ?" He repeated my question .

"Do you listen to kpop ?" He asked but i replied quickly with a "no".

"So you dont know BTS?" He pressed on even further . Damn it , whats wrong with this guy now ? "Behind the scenes ?" I guessed but i heard a loud yet muffled 'yes!' .

And he just ended the call like that.

Not long after , i heard a few knocks on the door and i walked over lazily in my pajamas . As i opened the door , i was greeted by Yoongi , the boy who lives next door.

"Do you want to drink some soju with me ? " he offered and pulled me out of my house before slamming the door .  I had no say in this and in the end , i gave up , following him into his house .

This was the second time that i entered but it looked much cleaner then before , walking up close to his photoframe , i had noticed a few oddly familiar faces in it , and one of them was Yoongi . I shrugged , not giving too much thought into it.

"Hey should we go up to the balcony ? Theres fresh air ." He suggested and i nodded , trailing behind him as he led the way .

Both of us settled down on a long wooden bench and he poured me a cup of soju , waiting for me to drink first which i did afterwards .

"Why did you call me here ?" I asked him curiously , watching him gulp down the drink as well , feeling the slight burn in his throat . 

"Because you dont know who i am . " he replied shortly after , pouring another shot of soju for the both of us .

"Who are you then ? "

"No one . I am no one that you should know . Because , if you do , i will need to move again ." He replied even faster then before , drinking one shot after another , as if he was trying to get drunk .

"Where are you going to move to then ? And why shouldnt i know ? Now you are making me curious ." I shot back , racking my brains for any possible answer .

"You know , sometimes i dont even know why i wanted to be what i am today ."  He looked at the shot glass and let out a small burp .

"What are you today ? A drunkard ?"

"Why am i even drinking with you , you dont understand anything i say ."

"Then help me understand !" I was pissed . He kept hesistating back and forth , making me go crazy and even more curious now , damn it .

"I dont want to ."

Cold wind blew against me and i shivered , feeling cold . Upon seeing me like this , Yoongi told me to stay put and i watched him exit the balcony , before pulling out his own blanket , wrapping it around me as if it was fragile object being wrapped in bubble wrap .

"You know , sometimes i feel so done with life . " he pointed at the sky and laughed at himself , face getting redder by the minute .

"Why must everyone know everything about me ? Can't i just have some privacy ?"

"You ... alright there ? I think you are already drunk , you cant even hold your liquor well, tsk ." I spoke but he placed his fingers on my lips , shushing me up again .

"I am not drunk . Im just tired ." He defended himself before curling himself into a ball , laying on the wooden bench , feeling the cold wind blow against him . I sighed , seeing the fact that he had managed to fall asleep in such situations .

I pulled the blanket off me before throwing it on top of him before leaving the balcony and getting out of the house , closing it as softly as possible .

Who are you , Yoongi ?

As promised ^^ an update after 2 days . Sigh , second day of school was torturous . I hate waking up at 6am . Its too early for me to function .

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