Chapter Thirty Two

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Chapter 32

Giselle looked at her sister hard. She was trying to find the answers. She was trying to find the words. She was trying to figure out how this could have happened. She was sure that everyone at the table was prepared to hear the same words. Regardless of their feelings, everyone was prepared to hear that Ryan was the father of Gabrielle. It had been stuck in their brains, and they were all shocked by the outcome.

"Beyonce," Giselle carefully spoke as Shawn guarded her. He was guarding her from any further hurt, and Gis could understand it. As her man, it was his job to protect her, but she didn't want to cause harm to her sister.

"Bey," Gis called out softly once more, walking around slowly around the table to get to her sister.

"Breathe, Beyonce," Shawn coached her as he watched her erratic breathing. It was the same thing he'd witnessed during their argument in the restaurant. When she wanted to run, she wanted to run. She was still learning how to just process her feelings and deal with them. She was accustomed to dealing with them alone and then coming back when she was ready. Shawn was trying to prevent it by giving her as much space as possible, but he couldn't.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Giselle approaching them. Instinctively, he moved closer to Beyonce, who moved away from the both of them.

"Move, Giselle." Shawn didn't waste any time protecting his fiancée. He had grown to know what she needed and desired without her saying a word. In this moment, he had to show that. She yearned for space, and he had to communicate that with Giselle.

Gis frowned at Shawn and continued her slow stride to Beyonce before Shawn turned to face her. He mean mugged her, letting her know that he was serious.

"Why isn't she breathing?" Giselle asked him instead. "She's never done that."

"You've never seen her this upset," Shawn countered. "She's suffocating."

"Suffocating?" Giselle questioned with a frown. "You mean she's hyperventilating."

Shawn shook his head and scolded her. He had used his words carefully for a reason. "No, she's in her emotions. She wants to run." He slid his hands into his pants pockets and observed his fiancée. "She's battling running and sticking around. With us around, we're suffocating her by blocking one of her options."

"Blocking? How are we blocking?" Giselle couldn't understand any of it. She wasn't used to looking at her sister having trouble breathing. A normal person going through this would have someone helping them. She didn't like how calm Shawn appeared to be.

"She has to get around us to get to the door."

Giselle folded her arms and watched her sister. She couldn't stick around to watch her have a panic attack. It would get them nowhere. It was clear that she wanted Giselle and Milan to leave. She wouldn't speak with them. She would only speak with Shawn, because he was the one that had gotten her to open up in the past.

"Can we talk about this later?" Giselle asked Shawn.

Shawn looked at her sympathetically. With the results being out in the open, he felt sympathy for Giselle. She had stopped reconciliation with her ex husband all because of Beyonce's accusations. "Yeah. I don't know how long this'll take with her, but hopefully before you get on that plane."

"I am getting on that plane." Giselle needed for him to know that. No matter what happened, she was boarding the plane and she was going back home. Home was the only place she wanted to be right now, and she couldn't fathom remaining in Los Angeles more than she needed to.

Milan met Gis at the door. He couldn't believe the turn of events. Ryan wasn't the father, which meant that something else had happened. Something was missing, and no one knew. Giselle and Milan piled back into the SUV.

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